March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Sustainable Chickens~Has My Opinion Changed?

The question was asked about how I feel about a previous video and my interpretation of sustainable chickens breeds. I can tell you that answer will always vary! So do what works best for your, your goals and your farm! And YES… there was some wind today! But let’s chicken chat!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Sustainable Chickens~Has My Opinion Changed?

  1. I know this video is almost a year old, but I was hoping you might answer a question. For me, sustainability is about self sufficiency. You seem to touch on that when you talk about encouraging birds to go broody, isn't it a great thing when your flock replenishes itself. So here's my question, do sex links lose their hybrid vigor over time? Or do you have to keep buying them every time you need to replenish your stock. For my future I'd like to be able to replenish my own flock without needing to back to the hatchery each time.

    TL;DR How do you keep your sex links producing for many generations down the road?

  2. I want some silkies to raise just cause they r so cute and for my grand kids, I have black australorps, buff orpingtons, barred rocks, and have had red sex links, I think I prefer the heritage birds I'm just not a big fan of the sex link birds. The orpingtons I think are beautiful birds I like their fluffy butts.

  3. Our first chicks that we got were Rhode Island Reds. I will not get any more of those. The hens have just been down right mean, and the roosters have been complete jerks. We have a Dominique rooster that is the sweetest ever ! We've also had several golden comets that we just love ! You are so right, they are very sweet hens. Had one that stayed right under your feet until you picked her up and talked to her. She loved attention.

  4. Buckeyes were one of my first chickens! I love them! White Rocks were also in my first bunch plus Faverolles! These three are my favorites!

  5. Can you breed the sexlinks however (do you have and maintain the component birds in the appropriate sexes) if things got difficult and you couldn't just order them somewhere? Or you could interbreed them and come up with derivatives that work. I prefer to go with something that is good the way it is and can reproduce like birds off the bat in a bad situation. I've chosen orpingtons…..hands down…the docile temperament is important. I won't maintain an especially aggressive animal on my property…..even with that there are exceptions that do occur that have to be culled out.

  6. I like the Buckeye,I wanted some jersey giants but seems like a whole lot of folks that thought they had giants turned out not to be ,, Now they white jersy giants ,people seemed to get what they bought.And yep if you get anything with the name rock in it,it will be a fight every day .Just hit em with the skillet .

  7. Years ago, I got some black australorp hatching eggs from a 4h family, they were the biggest chickens I ever had, much bigger than feed store jersey giants or light brahmas…and they laid lots huuuge eggs. I have feed store australorps now and they are just regular size, lay regular size eggs but are dependable layers.

  8. I hope you get this message. I did alot of research and took in alot of homestead opinions. My goal off grid is to be completely self sufficient well 98%. So I chose the Easter Eggers due to cold hardiness and disposition, same why I chose the Buff orpingtons. I did get 3 bantams because I can use them to babysit eggs and why not have a couple cuties! I am keeping my breeding hens separated for clean lines. Thank you for your video, I am in KY mountains and my dad is in FL says get different chickens but like you said, all depends on purpose, preference and location. I just dont wanna over elaborate to my dad. Love him too much. Thank you again for your video and honesty. Kind regards, J.W

  9. I live in western Kentucky and so far being newer to the chicken world and having chickens for sustainable living I’m saying the buff Orpington have strong instincts all around so they are my favorite my Buff rooster is a gentlemen with his ladies and very protective of his gals that with my golden comets!! I have 2 cuckoo Marans that add a little spice to the flock! Thank you I have learned alota stuff from you!

  10. This is my rookie year with backyard chickens. I have 4 Buff Orpingtons that are just turning 18 weeks. I really love them; very friendly and they like to hang out with us.

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