Self Sufficient Me in YouTube REWIND for 2016, thank you everyone for your support and may you all have a Merry Christmas! Stay safe! Cheers
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Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Hi Mark thanks for sticking around I was dreading the time your channel ends !!! Great video mate, can't to see what 2017 brings. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family mate !! How did you get on with that PIG of a whipper snipper ? Seeya Rob
Merry Christmas Mark. Thanks for the work you do.
Hi Mark . You and your family have a great christmas .
Regards Pete.
I am glad that you made the decision to keep up with YouTube. I have really enjoyed watching all year and hope there are many years to come. Keep up the great work.
This was awesome. I loved it. What were those bugs, ewww they creeped me out lol. I am looking forward to next year and the others to come. Thanks for sharing. Janice
Glad that you decided to hang around, my friend! I have enjoyed the videos, and are looking forward to the next year! Have a great one, Mark! Cheers!
A great roll back Mark. Glad you got through the hard times with the channel and decided to continue. Great to have you making them here. The whole site is brilliant and love the channel. cant wait to see what 2017 brings mate. Happy Christmas to you and your family. have a great day.
I've really enjoyed your content and I'm glad you chose to stick around! Hope that you enjoy your holidays!
Cheers m8 appreciate the effort ! Happy christmas ;-]
Thanks for the videos this year. have really enjoyed them.Big thanks to the hard working girl who makes it all possible. Hope you both have a good new year and a fantastic 2017.
Merry Christmas Mark & family. Looking forward to 2017. Great montage there
Thank You
I thought you might be interested in the you tube channel of a young man called Lee who I think lives in Brighton UK and his channel is called Project Diaries. He helps care for his Grandad and is doing some interesting projects in a very limited space. He also has a mission to be self sufficient, even down to growing super potatoes in coffee grounds. His graphics and presentation are also good.
love your channel
its great how you show so many amazing things you can grow but also some of the challenges
here is Canada we cant always grow the amazing stuff you guys have but we dont have the same challenges either(ie bugs)
It is so cool to see gardening in a tropical place and the oranges and lemons look so mouth watering !!
Good !! Thanks for sharing!
I am very happy to subscribe to your channel very nice homestead keep up the good work friend!
God bless you and your family. Thank you for all what you have done and will be doing on YouTube. We appreciate you much.
im new to your channel. in this video you were eating and said it was like a pickle but it had the jerusalem artichoke flavor. im new to them and plan on planting some this spring. could you give me an idea what you where talking about and which video it was in.
Jackie Carter, Nephi, Utah
I absolutely love watching your videos! Please don't stop making them.
going through every video practically. i watch prolly 5 hours of homesteading and this channle alot the past 2 months. I was a hard video gamer. And yes the only way to get away from video games is to just stop cold turkey and do much needed home things. Me and my daughter and husband never go outside here…are lot is full of beetles geckos scorpions and spiders of all kind. But most of all it has things that need to be thrown away it has trees everywhere that need to be cut and there roots dug up…My husband and his dad thought burning trash and metals and glass along with wood was a good idea to burn in 3 diferant spots on the yard…And now we are paying for it. Husband is a adicted video gamer. NEVER goes outside unless he NEEDS to like brocken pipe needs to. I have started to Rebirth the lot for Vegies Chickens Rabbits Bee's Clover/Merigolds but it takes alot to fix up are extra house for a barn area and the lot with a damn forest on it. I hope this year i can make it happend!
Definitely want to try olives myself. I see trees everywhere live. I've done south in western Australia, around mandurah.
I'm watching this in 2020, and I am so glad you kept going as you have a wealth of information to share and you do it in such an entertaining way. I am trying to set up my backyard to produce as much food as I can, so I am really appreciative of your work, thank you!
Loved watching this and love your channel!!
Cukes for Chooks! Crikey a crankey Chick-Chook! (Moral ; If u want to disturb my private nesting , at least brink some cukes eh! )
Can you use frozen vegetables to bulk it up?
Wow you’ve come a long way.
I'm glad you stayed with it and us.