Just as it says…
Conform? Ask permission? Seek approval? THAT is what you do in the rat race. Are you still in the rat race? The whole idea of breaking away, getting back to your roots and homesteading is to lead a different life! Do not let others dictate your lifestyle. Whether their intentions are bad or not is not the point. Expect this behavior from people. It will happen as you are no longer the “the norm.” Cut it out of your life and stick it to the man!
That’s all I have to say about that! xo
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~Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal: http://amzn.to/2iBy2sf
~Sloggers Chicken Boots: http://amzn.to/2i0HkRl
~Vetericyn Wound Care Spray: http://amzn.to/2i9XwAq
Patara’s Social Media:
~Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~Blog: http://appalachiashomestead.blogspot.com
~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/CmLAOm
~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE: https://goo.gl/inF0gJ
~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts: https://goo.gl/nLa90W
~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYee3p007YXEYfOUtJlBhHg
Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
Good job on explaining how most of us feel!!
Good words to live by even if you don't have a homestead.
my favorite video to date…perfect truth! We have swam upstream for 30 years with nothing but criticism from family and church..Left the church, ignore the family..We homeschooled in years most had to hide..Homesteaded when no one else did..NO REGRETS…you go girl….great advice
You are an amazing young lady.
Thank you so much for this video. My husbands family doesn't understand it. I have friends that don't get it. I am greatful for your videos.
Well, I finally have movement on my end! I can tell you know – I will be on the "grapevine" for some time to come. LOL But, I am so excited. If anyone comments negatively, I am going to ask them how it is that my life choices impacts them. At that point, it would be wise to be quiet and leave me alone. And I'm getting a DOG or TWO or FOUR! Two biggies, two peewees. And some ducks! And garden … I'm going to garden until my legs fall off! I'm so excited!!!
You are a REAL person! I like you!
You know when I watch you or listen to you I always feel better when I'm having a bad day or not!!!! Thank you!!!
I love this video! We are currently in the beginning stages of our urban homestead granted we only have our dog at the moment, our goal is to have a garden so that we can get our skill levels up. When we started making our own laundry detergent we got a lot of people asking why in a very snarky way stating that we would ruin our washer. I'm happy with the small strides we have made so that when we're able to move to our dream land we'll be ready. I do believe that it's true that the revolution will not be televised. Thank you for all the information that you put into your videos.
There have been many times while homeschooling my 6 children and trying to start a homestead that I have felt lonely. That feeling always goes away when I get out with our goats. I am so excited to get chickens soon. I don't care about what others think when I'm in the barn.
Hello, I'm in South Carolina and I"m trying to get connected with my local community but I don't know how to find them. LOL How do I find, or reach out too, a local homesteading community. I'm not sure where to start looking. My family is in the beginning stages (research, looking for land) of things and I'm looking for help and mentor relationships to learn from as we go.
Amen, you said exactly what I needed to hear. bless your heart.
I needed to hear this right now! Not even about gardening or homesteading but just in life! Thank you for sharing so much with us.
I live in town with a new garden. I called the tree service to deliver the wood chips for the back to eden garden method and all I have gotten is mostly strange looks but I do not care. The few people that garden in my neighborhood smile and ask me a lot of questions about how I plan to plant my garden this year. So people that are negative just do not understand and most of them are looking for something to gossip about around here. i just smile and say Boy those cucumbers and tomatoes are going to be even better this year.
l'm not a homesteader but I love your attitude and how like you tell it like it is. When you tell the true to people, I have discovered two things they will do, either they will respect you or leave you alone and so many cannot handle the true. Love your videos…GOD bless.
Yeah, my family members do not understand why I am "stuck" at home all day instead of being able to go out to lunch or a movie or shopping or whatever. I try to tell them what I do all day, but they are not listening. So, now I just so what I do and don't care at all that they don't get it. If they decide they want to know, they can visit, maybe even pitch in and help for an hour or two. Lol!
I'm so glad you talked about this. Every time I mention getting chickens, gardening or telling people I work with that I want to be self sustaining I get a roll of the eyes, a smirk and a But Why?. They don't understand. Thank you for you ideas of Cutting the rope and moving on. I have always been a people pleaser and don't like to hurt peoples feelings. Guess there is no way to avoid it. Thank again, I love watching your videos. Have a blessed day
Well said. I'm new to this and trying to be as self sufficient as possible within my abilities. I hear the "Why do you want to do that?" and "Oh that's too much work for you." all the time. Meh, I'm going to do it anyway
Such an awesome video. So meaningful and important to me at this stage of my life You are a wise woman. Thank you!
happy I watched this!
you must have listened to my BF & I's last heated argument, lol. I got my point across.
YES! My family doesn't get it. I'm the girl in the ballcap, boots, and jeans at family get-togethers. Lol.
Very well said! We don't need permission! Sustainability should never be frowned upon. It should be a way of life. The world is becoming so domesticated. What you are doing is living life the way more of us should be. Love your channel. Keep on talkin sister and never stay silent
lol. We need more voices with purpose. Like what you do.
I'd rather be home than anywhere else.
I am new to your site.. and I love it.. takes me back to my grandma and papa's place. . we are from the hills and hollers of WV.. I love to can and I so like to have extras on hand but I do not homestead!!! love your videos though! thank you!
You are so true. The older I get the more I see my lifestyle change. I don't want to do the party thing. I love being at home. I have different interest. I don't want to waste my time doing stuff I don't enjoy. I love working in the yard. I enjoy the peace and quiet. Small garden.
So I work every 3rd day, most of the time I don't leave my 10 acres for my 2 days off. My friends think I'm crazy but I enjoy it. Now the only thing I wish I could shake is when we do get a vacation I can't stop my mind. I feel like Oh I could be cutting wood or I need to build this ……. we are going to TN in the spring spending 4 days in a cabin, I'm looking forward to that much more than the Beach.
Your the best…thank you for this advise….I'm growing as a person and I appreciate you….blessed be