Join us for the second annual Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference on May 6th, 2017 in Crossville, Tennessee! Last April’s conference was tremendous and this one is going to be a homesteading blast! If you are looking to gain real skill sets and build lasting homestead community relations, this is the conference for you! Class and ticket info below AND MORE to come! See you on May 6th!
~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page:
~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE:
~ Conference Official T-Shirts:
~ Chickens For Children with Patara of Appalachia’s Homestead
~ Off Grid Living-A Woman’s Perspective with Starry Hilder
~ Rabbits: Basics & Benefits with John Null of jnull0 & Rankins Creek Rabbitry
~ The Sweet Potato Way with Danny & Wanda King of Deep South Homestead
~ Lessons From New Homesteaders – Taking The Leap Of Faith with ART and BRI
~ Coffee & Crochet with Jeni of Pratt Family Homestead
~ Growing with Soil Blocks with OldAlabamaGardener “OAG”
~ Permaculture Herb Gardening with Jim Buckenmyer, Frontier Historian
~ How to Grow Your Own Mushrooms with Angel Miller of 2 Angels Mushroom Farm
~ Livestock Guardian Dogs-Training with Anna Abney
~ Livestock Guardian Dogs-Breeds, Purpose & Myths with Anna Abney
~ Intro to Fermentation with Rachel Milford of Reclaiming Your Roots
~ Healing The Gut with Food & Herbs with Rachel Milford of Reclaiming Your Roots
~ Homesteading: How to Get Started with John Pearson “Frugal Farmer”
~ Intro To Heirloom Seed Saving with Troy Teets of Spring Creek Veggies
~ Is Raising Pigs Right For You with Rachel Payne of Tiramar Farms
~ Intro to Basket Weaving with Evan Kidd of Reed ‘Em and Weave – Baskets, Needle Felting, and More
~ Making Dairy Profitable on Your Homestead with Tinia Creamer of Lucas Farm
~ Everything You Need to Know About Homeschooling with Gena Suarez of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine & Molly Green Magazine & Membership
~ Quilt of Many Colors: Intro to Quilt Making with Phyllis Embry Spalding
*Entertainment by Nick Marlow & Patara Marlow
Woo Hoo! Tickets bought! Can't wait.
This looks like so much fun! I hope to be able to make it. Patara, do you know if Misty Prepper (Cluck) is still doing videos? I have lost contact with her somehow and I know you were friends and she was at the conference last year. I hope all is well with her.
Are you going to video these classes? I know that it is not the same as being there but I am wanting to hear these teachings and am willing to pay for them.
I'm so excited!
I'm easing my way into homesteading, and I live in Crossville. This is great!
I CANT WAIT!!!2016 was so good.thanks for putting this conference on every year!!!LORD WILLING AND THE CREEK DONT RISE WE SHALL SEE YALL THERE GOD BLESS~~~
Any chance you might be doing some live streaming (or after the fact streaming) for your fans in WA State?
I'm hoping my daughter and I can make it this time.
I wish that I could come.
I am really looking forward to coming and enjoying.
Oh, I soooo wish we could come! We will be moving from Naples, Fl to our new homestead just outside of Sunbright, Tn the first week in June. Can you believe the timing!? Going to be a month too late! Oh well, we will be there next time, for sure!
Watched your video from last year about potential accommodations. At the same exit as the hotels — Exit 322 — if you make a right at the top of the exit onto Peavine Road — you will find the Bean Pot Campground just a hop skip and a jump down the road and to the right. Nice family run RV campground with excellent facilities and good rates. My parents stayed there in their RV while their house was being built in Crossville. Check them out :o) Wish I could be there — sounds like a wonderful day!
And I'll be in UT – daughter's graduation
Last year's was wonderful
See y'all in 2018
I'm looking to buy quail do you have any suggestions I live in PA so they would have to be shipped and I only want 10 or 12?
Is it possible to record the conference & sell the DVD after? It just isn't feasible for me to leave my family & farm for that long but I want to see & hear everything & I am willing to pay for a copy of everything.
We are planning to come but want to wait to closer to conference with family having some health issues. Is this going to be a problem with tickets and accommodations??
I like the way you did the video. Looks like it will be a lot of fun. Maybe someday I will be able to attend but not yet.
I forgot to mention. I would love to see Danny and Wanda!!! Love them!
We've made our reservations at the Hampton!
WAAAH! Wish we could come! I hope everyone has a great time. We will experience the conference vicariously through the videos you guys put up =)
Going to try and come hope i can learn something to help me at the Garden of hope
OMG I so want to go but I'm up here in Boston and have to work…Let's pray I win the lottery! I have family in Crossville who I will send along though!
I am jazzed about the conference. Will try to come this year.
How I wish I could come. Been working to get to do an east coast trip as it is with the family, but sure wish I could just hop a plane and come to this. Big flight from my home in Alaska though. Next time?
I am coming from Florida I cannot wait to meet everyone and see the conference. It is going to be awesome.
I'm in the same boat as celticmagiclady . Will you be selling any recordings of conference? I would certainly be interested. I know it will be a great conference!
I saw an interview with The Mark Richenthal,creator of American Idol,and countless other reality shows. He said he was in the hunt for the Next Big Reality show he could do,____________________________________ Are you guys and several other Popular Homesteaders hiding something? Hmmmmm? Guess I'll have to stay tuned!
What if you want to come with a slide in truck camper and a dog
Omg wish I could come but I'm buying n moving to my homestead around that time best of luck to all
WOW…..just down the road….Lil Debbie and I might have to swing by.
We are here in our hotel but we can't take a nap I'm so excited. Drove from Mocksville NC