March 15, 2025

VIDEO: OFF GRID COOKING~Chili On The Lopi Liberty

It’s cold! The Lopi Liberty is going strong and I am making my homemade chili! Off Grid cooking at it’s best! Be sure to check out what Ms. Wanda at Deep South Homestead is cooking up on her wood stove, too! Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo

Watch Deep South Homestead Here:

**Items we use & recommend!

~Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~Lodge Loaf Pan:
~Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care & Training
Here :
~Kindling Cracker:
~Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~Mortar & Pestle:
~Magicfly Incubator:

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~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc:

Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: OFF GRID COOKING~Chili On The Lopi Liberty

  1. why can when you can dry? what do you think of the difference? I asked preppernurse1 about that and He isnt making a vid on that yet! you Go Girl and I will pass it on to him!

  2. Thanks for the trivet/vs legs on the dutch oven info. I thought only people in Ohio added cinnamon . I add cocoa powder and a lot of spices, garlic, peppers, and onions. I don't like kidney beans, I use pinto.

  3. Love it…burn it to learn it! So true, Mm hmm, done that so many times. Right after I married almost 17 years ago, I didn't know how to cook hardly anything. I would experiment and burn it, or wouldn't season food well. Determination and boldness made me learn and try, try again through the failures. I loved learning to cook, and wanted to be good at it. If something new that I cooked didn't taste good, I would determine what would make it good, and try again another time. So many lessons learned, and so worth the time and effort to gain experience.

  4. Going to have chili tomorrow. I add a bit of turmeric to it as well as grate a tad of nutmeg to brighten the flavor. My Mom always added a pinch of sugar to cut the "whang" of the tomatoes. You are right, no recipe. I learned to cook using a pinch of this and touch of that.

  5. Leftover coffee in the liquid is a good addition. We sometimes at a scant tablespoon dark cocoa powder to make it even richer! Ya need some masa harina (Mexican corn flour used to make tamales) flour to thicken that up. (I'm from Texas, you got bean and meat soup there. Tasty, but not really chili.) Yummy!

  6. Thanks Patara, I have been thinking of getting one of those chopping gadgets and glad to have the name of yours!  What are it's limits?  I figure it won't do rutabagas but is it good with mushrooms and softer things like tomatoes?  Thanks in advance!

  7. I love DSH. The weather in UK very weird, the temps are fluctuating mild to cold back to mild. Had some of our bees flying about yesterday…..not good. We need some proper winter weather…

  8. we put a wood stove I'm out kitchen 2 years ago, I haven't ever cooked on it but liked the security of know I could. I do constantly have a couple kettles of water on the back ledge for the ready for tea or soup or anything like that. I think I might try next chili on the stove top. I need to look into getting some caste iron though. we're in hard core winter in Nova Scotia…. but I too love winter. stay warm and that is for sharing.

  9. Wow! Almost the same as my chili recipe- a cinnamon stick is my secret ingredient as well!! The cinnamon adds a wonderful depth of flavor and richness to the chili. Yum

  10. I love chili, yum with avocado. I use ground turkey and I love different types of beans too and sometimes I add corn and purée pumpkin. I've never had it with cinnamon but it's a must try now

  11. We love our Lopi stove. We have a Republic 1750. It heats our home nicely with not much wood in these cold Michigan winters. I've only cooked on it a few times when we have lost power, but I love knowing the option is there.

  12. Patara, I just came across this dish on YouTube and it looks delicious. I too have a lopi liberty stove. I put my Dutch oven on the front side of it and then proceeded to go outside & split wood for the day. About 5 or 6 p.m. I come back in and supper is ready! I've also made pizza on top of my stove. Don't you just love those lopi stoves? I've been using mine for 22 years with no repairs whatsoever. I can heat 1475 sq ftalong with a box fan to help circulate the air down the hallway to other rooms. Have a wonderful day!

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