Nice job with the yardbirds, one thing I do after the girls go roost. I empty the waterers in winter months, There much easier to deal with next morning, in fact, I use open rubber waterers in winter. Thanks or sharing
Awe …cuties!!! :-)) They are really pretty…. who'd think that of a chicken? They have a nice colour. Having new comedy videos up, if you wanna check <3 :-))
Man that was so awesome to watch. Loved the whole video. Dig that accent! None like it around her in the Bayou state. Questions: is hunt and peck feeding method wasteful or do they get most or all of it? What if it were laid down into small piles? My brother had chickens and fed then using a hanging feeder type bucket thing. I have to ask about costs because I fixate on that rather than the tangent benefits such as fresh eggs, chicken manure for compost, and the value of having a hobby. I remember the price of chicken feed rose by nearly double in the span of a few years near Denham Spring, LA. Many thanks for the video, twas informative and entertaining. Been thinking about a coop for about four chickens and maybe a pair of rabbits. Take care in this heat we're now having.
Fun is cleaning out the hen house. We're in New England and we finally had some nice weather (42 F) so the debris could thaw. Nothing like trying to chip away at frozen chicken poo. Before we had heated water fountains I had to bring them into the garage at night so the water wouldn't freeze and in the morning haul them back out again. Wish we could have an open pen. Just too many predators around. Thank you for sharing your morning routine.
+Backyard Homestead so glad we have found your channel ! we have 2 black jersey giants and 4 serama chickens. we liked (# 22) and subscribed, please sub back
Thanks for sharing
Our freeze has moved out now. Best wishes Bob.
awesom3 vid thanks guys
Tasty View. Pleasant Evening.
Cold day I hope it warms up, nice chickens, you take very good care of them. good stuff.
Good video, very informative. Chicken Hammock , love it :-). Cheers, Kevin.
Nice job with the yardbirds, one thing I do after the girls go roost. I empty the waterers in winter months, There much easier to deal with next morning, in fact, I use open rubber waterers in winter. Thanks or sharing
Very nice.
I always enjoy chicken videos, thanks for sharing.
SUB 153 Very Great video!) LIKE #13 Amizade todos
I am do waiting for you at my channel) Friendship all
sub 154
SUPER Very Great video!) LIKE #14
Amizade todos
I am do waiting for you at my channel) Friendship all
Thanks for the video!
Chickens are definitely doing good, but I'm sure they don't like the cold anymore than we do. Thanks for sharing my friend.
Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for the sharing. It's been a crazy winter season this year. I hope it warms up for you.
Awe …cuties!!! :-)) They are really pretty…. who'd think that of a chicken? They have a nice colour. Having new comedy videos up, if you wanna check <3 :-))
Man that was so awesome to watch. Loved the whole video. Dig that accent! None like it around her in the Bayou state. Questions: is hunt and peck feeding method wasteful or do they get most or all of it? What if it were laid down into small piles? My brother had chickens and fed then using a hanging feeder type bucket thing. I have to ask about costs because I fixate on that rather than the tangent benefits such as fresh eggs, chicken manure for compost, and the value of having a hobby. I remember the price of chicken feed rose by nearly double in the span of a few years near Denham Spring, LA. Many thanks for the video, twas informative and entertaining. Been thinking about a coop for about four chickens and maybe a pair of rabbits. Take care in this heat we're now having.
Fun is cleaning out the hen house. We're in New England and we finally had some nice weather (42 F) so the debris could thaw. Nothing like trying to chip away at frozen chicken poo. Before we had heated water fountains I had to bring them into the garage at night so the water wouldn't freeze and in the morning haul them back out again. Wish we could have an open pen. Just too many predators around. Thank you for sharing your morning routine.
+Backyard Homestead so glad we have found your channel ! we have 2 black jersey giants and 4 serama chickens. we liked (# 22) and subscribed, please sub back
Looks very nice! Thumbs up from Ireland!