I caught the girls taking a dirt bath and caught them on camera. The butter sale I’ve been waiting on finally happened. Grocery budget update.
VIDEO: Chickens Taking a Dirt Bath and Groceries for the Week
I caught the girls taking a dirt bath and caught them on camera. The butter sale I’ve been waiting on finally happened. Grocery budget update.
Love those chickens !
Do you freeze the butter? Best wishes Bob.
I love it when our chickens take a dirt bath
That's wonderful. We don't have a Kroger near us.
lovely video our friend xxx liked xxx love Anna and grace xx
Great deal its good to buy in bulk when you get a good deal on something. I love your chickens.
Mmmm Butter!!
Have a good'nnn
Nice looking birds, sure is fun to watch them to do this, mine miss the dirt, to much snow here now!
I was considering putting a bench in the run to sit and watch them I can do it all day long.
Well it looks like the girls are all doing really good. And that was quite the hall from Kroger's. Thanks for sharing.
I love butter! It helps me maintain my beautiful round shape LOL! The girls are like looking great, can't wait to get my own, I am waiting for my chicken coop to arrive yay !
Thanks for sharing your vlog
im doing my weekly live stream show tomorrow nite 8pm eastern standard time join in if you like https://youtu.be/TB-rKq87QXw
Lovely video. Those chickens have personality and charisma!!!
i love your chickens!!!! thats a lot of butter!!!!! but you did get it at a great price
Got to love real butter, I always stock up on it too when its on sale. The last price I stocked up on was 1.99 for a pound.
Hello!I have subcribed 265 like 20 and watch video.Can you visit my channel^^
HI There.. I used to raise my own chickens, sell eggs.. also raised ducks and turkeys and one pig.. all for our own consumption. It's really awesome to see people go back to some good healthy money saving ways. I saw you checked out my channel. I hadn't seen you before so I dropped by here to say hi and Im subbed to you! Have a great day!
Good sale on butter… Do you can it up or freeze it. I can it when I get a huge amount. Neat video I love the chickens…
Lots of chickens, your lucky to be able to have them. Good job, I wish I had a backyard. Its amazing how much money your saving on groceries. LIKE
Excellent, Thumbs up.
Have a wonderful Weekend.
Очень понравилось твоё видео ! Большой палец вверх !
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I love the color of their feathers!