Tapping maple trees is easy and very fun to do for the whole family! In this episode we will show you how to do it!
Maple Tapping kit – http://migardener.com/store/basic-home-maple-tapping-kit-10-ct/
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Darn no Maple trees here but glad to see how it's done. Thanks.
Good information. Best
Just what I've been thinking about doing this year. Thanks for posting this! Question for you … how big is your maple tree in the front that you're only putting 1 tap in?
It's so cool that you can just go into your backyard and get sap. Can't wait to watch it become maple syrup
Enjoyed this
probably still a bit early for michigan
Excellent explanation Luke, exactly how I would have done it
Did you mean to say 5/16 bit? 5/8 is huge for maple tapping. Typical taps are 5/16 or 7/16
we tap our trees all the time here in Maine, but we we have some weeks to go still…
What a wonderful and simple instructions. We have beautiful maple trees on our property. I asked my husband for years to help me with the sap, but he didn't want to bother with it( his explanation). But it's so simple, that I'm going to do it myself tomorrow. Thank you.
I really enjoyed this. I have always been curious about the mechanics. I am looking forward to seeing the sugaring off video.
I really enjoyed this Luke. I can't wait to watch the follow up video on how to boil the sap for syrup. I now wish I had a maple tree.
you guys know why you can't Tap Japanese maple trees? I do , they encrypted their trees.
Tapping for this first time this week. Thanks for the video!
So cool! I love these alternative style videos. Not directly garden related but still along the sustainable nature! I wish we had maples here, but it's too cold!
Aw man! We have neither large maples nor below freezing temps.
ugh I've been dying to do this, the neighbor always taps his trees but I've never done it. I hope this year I can considering it's prime time to do so
hi, i have a doubt reg tomatoes. I have 4 hybrid variety tomato plants growing in a single grow bag. There are 16 tomatoes so far in these plants and still more flowers are blooming. But the sizes are too small and they have already begun to ripen. They are only the size of a lemon even though they should be larger. what could be the cause of this? And secondly, how many tomatoes does a plant usually yield? thanks
Luke, you mentioned that you are using a 5/8" bit for a 5/8" tap. Looking at your drill, I think that the maximum drill it will take to 3/8". So I think you might have meant that the bit and spikes are 5/16"
I didn't know it was so easy! Totally excited to try this! I ordered my kit today!
About how long is the 'season', when should you pull the taps? Also, that should be a 5/16 hole, as 5/8 is way too big. Thanks
This is not how you tap trees
this is so helpful, and informative! we love to do this, a lot of the pancake syrup for sale in the store don't even have maple syrup in them anymore, and the ones that are pure maple syrup are way more expensive.
Is there any easy way to identify a maple tree?
Would love to try this
It's better for the tree to not drill holes, it's better to pound it with a V-shaped piece of metal (I head somewhere the copper is best, but isn't it soft?), it won't make bacteria/fungus go in the tree, but it's ok to drill…if you will cork it with piece of wood, so it will seal the wound.
I had to play the intro several times so my baby can twirl
Do not drill it in the way this guy did, nor do the tapping down on the spile the way this guy did. Totally wrong on so many levels. You are to drill straight into the tree as perfectly straight as possible. The taper of the spile will seat itself around a properly made hole.
I couldn't find your tapping kit on your website.
Do yourself a favor and take none of the info from this video. Trees oner 10" is plenty big enough for 1 tap. Tap all sides of the tree of you will kill off the south side of the tree. Never ream out the hole!!!! Straight in and out