When the craziness of life gets to be too much, it’s sometimes nice to just look out the window and watch the birds. We think of it as a “Reality Break”, away from the hectic man-made problems of our daily lives. But it occurs to us that not everyone has a plethora of wild animals right outside their door, and so we wanted to share this relaxation opportunity with all of you. So please take a few minutes with us, to sit back and enjoy a Reality Break
VIDEO: Reality Break: 50 Peanuts for 50 Blue Jays
When the craziness of life gets to be too much, it’s sometimes nice to just look out the window and watch the birds. We think of it as a “Reality Break”, away from the hectic man-made problems of our daily lives. But it occurs to us that not everyone has a plethora of wild animals right outside their door, and so we wanted to share this relaxation opportunity with all of you. So please take a few minutes with us, to sit back and enjoy a Reality Break
fantastic video. do more like this and the deer one.
So Cool!!!
Thank you. I'm going to play this for my parents, they will love it They use to live in the country, and had 20 or so bird feeders. Now they are in town in a retirement home with 1 feeder. (Not all sad, deer walked behind their patio in the fall.)
You must live in the bluebird vortex. How lucky!
Hitchcock would be proud…
seriously one of the best videos I've ever seen. So simple and so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us
White raisins for Robins ( when nesting) and inexpensive grape jam for Orioles. This is something I heard of, check or you might get boooed on Youtube
Love this. At my house the Tufted Titmouse gets about half the peanuts.
Thanks for driving my dog crazy, he can't find the bird in the house.
Both blue jays and titmouse cache the extra nuts. See it all the time here.
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!
I have enjoyed everyone one of your van video's and the narration was professional.
My wife and I retire on a small pension in 2019 age 58-60 …..
It turns out we happen to share a birthday because I'm tight and only like to buy one cake per year …..LOL….. In truth I searched for someone that had the same birthday so I would never forget her' birthday in my lifetime X/O
Anyway we will summer on this place called Lake Manitou ……. Manitoulin Island in a far off land up north in Ontario.
We have rented a cabin there since 1979 from a resort but you have me thinking about a SMALL summer cabinof our OWN now……
CUBA AIRBNB in winter as we like Cuba for safety,sun and cigars and we have been there 17 times……then were thinking Arizona in spring with a four wheel POP up camper 8' on a RAM 1500 Hemi
After seeing your lodge ……cabin in the woods ………….I rolled around in bed and wrestled with this idea of a cabin kits with ready made logs ……maybe we could lease some land because Manitou lake is AMAZING ……so clean you can drink from it 180 feet deep with springs and limestone and it is full of oxygen and fish.
Haha I remember putting peanuts out on the deck for the squirrels when I was a kid, and the blue jays would steal them all.
This is a awesome channel been watching since you started awe job
Dear back to reality. I am bird lover too. I give them bird seeds and enjoy their presence. I like to tell both of you even it is not at all related to the topic. Love each other and for a ,boy, if you love and respect your girl your wife God bless you . Please remember this one. This is saying in my religion. And I trust it in my heart. Love you wife , let God do the rest. Love your videos.
time the most valuable thing on the planet
This is so something I'd do! Nature is way better than TV in my book. Cuuuute!
Jays are beautiful, but destructive. They raid the nests of the songbirds and kill off the babies.
Some of those blue jays are hordes and are returning for more!
This was a lot of fun for me to watch! I recently moved from the West Coast to Nova Scotia and am trying to figure out who the birds are here. I'm an ethologist and love watching corvid behavior in my spare time, so it was fun to watch the jays selecting peanuts, calling to each other, trying to fit the smaller ones into their crop, and spooking each other.
I have the same thing at home but not sure if it are 50 different jays. Here they pick the peanut, hide the peanut, rush back and comes for another and another untill every peanut is gone and hidden. They hide them everywhere in my garden, in the rooftops etc. It's so funny to watch. And they are so smart!
I love Blue Jays. And it became obvious moments into this video, that the cat on my lap was enjoying it as well. She was perplexed by the way they disappeared when they flew off screen, and she eventually crawled behind the monitor to see if they were there. No such luck. I guess she will just have to watch the ones collecting peanuts here!
Every morning at the crack of dawn and two or three times t during the day I go out with a jar of peanuts… My blue jays sit outside screaming until I get up! I love the Blue Jays plus other Feathered Friends come to eat them as well like Cardinals blackbirds and also it's a little birds love peanuts! Not including all the sea all the bread everything that I'm not going to eat gets thrown outside for Critters. The only problem I have is the Hawks keep coming down on the birds! And if it's not the Hawks it's the cats! When I moved here I had hardly any birds the cats and wipe them out just about all of them! In one year I had to trap 85 cats in my yard and I sent them to the pound! In one day I counted over 30 different cats in my one little yard! I realize that I'm doing mother nature of favor! Cats carry terrible diseases! They're very invasive on wildlife! I have three friends who died from their own cats biting them! I have a girlfriend who carries a cat virus and her first little girl was born stillborn and after 20 autopsies they discovered my friend is carrying this cat virus! When her second little girl was born she was deformed and it's still having operations to this day! She gave birth to a son and he carries the virus and he can't have children because if he does he'll pass it on! I also just read a small article on the internet therapist in search of cats carry a cancer virus that can be passed on to the human brain! The common house cat wipes out over a billion Birds a year in the United States alone! And every time I turn around there's another cat! it breaks my heart cuz I love to watch cat videos but I despise the people who put them outside! …. Having that fence around your porch protects your birds and squirrels from the Hawks!
If you were able to make friends with the crows they will keep the Hawks away! I know this because I study seagulls and during the winter when the seagulls come to me if it wasn't for the crows I would be bombarded with Hawks everyday coming down on them! I always prayed for early migration of crows because they will go into the forest and kick ass! Crows are quite shy but I have seen birds and seagulls take them food! It's like paying the mafia protection money except its food! Crow and seagulls stick together during the winter…. or should I say the crows stick with seagulls when they're in land during the winter… The crows love to chase the seagulls and play with them but see girls are very independent and don't like to be touched! Seagulls not the hardest Life to Live… I discovered they sleep only 1 hour a day…. At night they have to stay on very large bodies of water and if the Winds of the currents or the waves are too strong they have to fly all night and sometimes they die from exhaustion! They have no strength in their beaks so they are preyed upon continuously! through the years I have discovered so much about seagulls that I could write two books about them! the reason why they stand in a parking lot and not on the grass is because they know that a hawk will come down on them if they get on the grass so they feel dodging a car it's easier than dodging a hawk and I would agree! Oh well I could keep going but thank you for the beautiful pictures hope your little Feathered Friends and your squirrel… Should you hear a squirrel screaming and screaming there's usually a cat and he will point in that direction!
I'm amazed! Not at the number of blue jays, but at the fact that with over 50 of them landing, not one pooped on your porch! My mom used to do bird feeders and the amount of sh** that was left behind – oh dear lord! Should have told her to move to Canada if this is the case, LOL!
I've loved every video of yours that I have seen, but this is easily my favorite so far.
You sure it's 50 blue jays, not just the same 7 of them flying back and forth? XD
I love blue jays, such personality and beauty~