March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Transplant Production with Pat Battle

Pat Battle teaches this intensive workshop to help you learn effective techniques for transplant production. Enjoy greater success from the time you start seedlings to when you get them in the ground as healthy and thriving plants. Help your transplants be as vibrantly healthy as possible for steady production and maximum yields.

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Transplant Production with Pat Battle

  1. For vine borers and other pests, wouldn't predator nematodes be a great organic solution to eliminate pest nematodes, pest larvae and other damaging insects? I haven't had an opportunity to use them, or see farm trials with being used, but I sure would like to know.

  2. 1:36:15 I could not get the name first: John Nielsons product "CharGrow" was mentioned, I guess. I think it's just Biochar, which we all can produce ourselves locally (at least in a small scale). It may be "activated", which basically means it's inoculated with living organismns. There are a variety of formulas available on the www on how to activate biochar.

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