There is no doubt, after years of raising chickens and having wonderful broody hens, the Silkie, by far, takes the title of the best broody. They are amazing! I do feel you need to assist them once they have to turn the switch over to being a mama hen but nothing beats these girls! Let’s take another look!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
I can't believe I have broody Production Red hens and at least one protects her young by eating them!!
So sweet! Just love your videos of the chickens. Looking forward to seeing the baby ducks hatch. Do you think Miss Patti will mother them like she would baby chicks? Thanks for your beautiful video.
Is there anyway that u can kinda get ur hen to go broody?
What do you do with the silkies Patara? sell them as pets ? or you letting them raise other chickens
mom so pretty
I wonder why there is such a rarity of broodiness in other chicken breeds? But I"m happy for your broody silkies that get to fulfill that strong instinct in hatching chicks of all breeds. And I love your tenderness in the way you're so caring about them that you cover the bin so they feel more private. I'm a loving person but I wouldn't have thought to do many of the compassionate things you do for your animals.
Have you broken it to your husband yet that he will have build on another family room? :o)
Hi, I am doing a project about Appalachia for my multicultural class at Ohio state University. I found your youtube channel and I think you can be a great resource for my project. Is it possible to contact you to ask for an interview? My focus will be on the economy of Appalachia region.
It would also be lovely and helping if anyone from the comment section would willing to be my source too. Thank you.
i just subscribed to your channel, about a week ago
i really appreciate the videos, sharing the knowledge, passing it along.
thanks so much
god bless
What would be the drawback to keeping the broody hens working by swapping out the chicks with new fertilized eggs and putting the chicks into an brooder?
That way you could expand your flock like you want to without taking your layers out of production or getting a new incubator.
Oh my goodness, just realized you were a host on America's Collectible Network (Jewelry). You've come a long way Patara; you go girl.
AW, so adorable. Thanks for sharing. I absolutely love Silkies. Since they are in the house and away from their flock members, how do you incorporate the mamas back into your flock? How does the flock accept the new chicks?
GUESS WHAT MY BABIE CHICKS ARE HATCHING RIGHT NOW. I have 4 eggs under my bantam and I saw one hatching hopefully all 4 hatch!!
Those chicks are so precious! Thanks!!
Nice set up, if its working don't change a it.
I think aseel hens are way better than silkies. please do some research I am sure you too will be fascinated by their personality.
Have you put eggs with a silkie that isnt brood yet? and hope in a few days or so she will turn broody since she has all the eggs with her? what is the longest you will collect eggs to offer to a hen to hatch? thanks for the help just getting started and trying to figure out what to do. I love how you brought the egg/hens inside i will definitely try that too
thx for valuable info
what should I do with four broody hens one is a silkie 2 are silkie mixes and also a golden phoenix all are broody and I want to move the out of the big coop and bring them in is there a away I can put two sister together and let them brood together
I think you have never had Aseels. Aseels are the best mothers in the chicken world. They are not only extremely determined broodies but are also great guardian for the chicks. She protects her chicks very aggressively even roosters do not mess with them
Hey!! I’ve been following you for a while now and love the channel!! I have a quick question! I have a hen that is laying on a clutch of eggs but where she is at, it’s not safe for her or baby chicks! Can I move her and eggs somewhere else safer and her still lay on them after I move her
My young silky hen has started laying eggs, but hasn't become broody. I left her first 3 eggs in the box. When she lays an egg, the rooster encourages her to sit on them by physically blocking her from exiting the box. But her broody instinct hasn't yet kicked in. What can I do to encourage her to become broody?
My best broodies is batam cochins.Had 5 set last yr.
Have your French Black Copper Marans gone broody? I've never seen such a broody breed. Of my 12 FBCM's, 8 of them have gone broody and they're only 13 months old. I was going to buy some silkies for this very reason, but now I don't need to after these Marans have been so broody.