March 15, 2025

VIDEO: How to Care and Propagate Kalanchoe Plant (Update video)

Easiest method to Grow kalanchoe cuttings..:) how to care for kalanchoe plants…Tips and Tricks to Keep kalanchoe Blooming
Video link:-
How to Care and Propagate Kalanchoe Plant
Daizz’s tips:-

1.) Place your kalanchoe plant in bright light.

Place your kalanchoe in an east- or west-facing window during spring and summer.
Place your kalanchoe in a south-facing window from about November to March.
Place your kalanchoe in a lightly shaded area in a green house or outdoors if you don’t want to grow it inside.

2.) Keep your kalanchoe warm.
Temperatures between 55ºF and 80ºF (12.7 to 29 ºC) are ideal.

3.) Allow the soil surface to dry out before re-watering it. Then, water the plant until water drains out the pot bottom. Discard any water collected in trays or saucers.

4.) Cut the kalanchoe back to 3” (7.6 cm) with pruning shears after it finishes blooming. Blooming can last as long as 3 months.

5.) Set the pot back away from bright light and don’t water the pot for a month after you’ve pruned it.

6.) Bring the pot back into a bright window after a month and water it well.

7.) Fertilize the kalanchoe with a blooming houseplant fertilizer according to label directions after watering and then once a month until November.
8.) Remove any dead leaves and dust growing leaves with a damp cloth if needed.

1.) Cut cleanly through a vegetative stem of the kalanchoe. Make the cutting at least 5-6 inches long. Set the cutting in an empty pot for two or three days to allow a callous to form over the cut flesh of the stem. The callous keeps the cutting from rotting in the growing medium.

2.)Mix together equal parts of sand, perlite and peat moss to create a quality growing medium for kalanchoe cuttings. Fill a sterile pot with the growing medium and water the medium lightly. The size of the pot dictates how many cuttings you root per pot. Pots that are 3 or 4 inches around hold one cutting, while 5- or 6-inch pots hold two or three cuttings.

3.) Make a hole in the growing medium and stick the calloused kalanchoe cutting into the hole. Firm the soil around the cutting to keep the kalanchoe upright. Set the pot in a bright location that has an average temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid direct sunlight on the cuttings.

4.)Mist the cuttings several times per day. Remove cuttings that show signs of fungal growth. Check for roots after about two weeks. Gently pull on the cuttings to feel for some type of resistance that would signify root growth.

5.)Transplant the new kalanchoe plants into separate growing pots when the roots have reached about 1 inch in length. Treat the plant as a seedling for the first few weeks. In other words, avoid drafts, direct sunlight and drought conditions. When you see new growth on the kalanchoe plants, place them as desired in the home.


Good For You by THBD
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Music provided by Audio Library

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 United States— CC BY 3.0 US
Music provided by Audio Library

Mumford & Sons Inspired by Hyde – Free Instrumentals
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Music for Creators
Momentum by Zplit
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library

video link:-
How to Care and Propagate Kalanchoe Plant

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Care and Propagate Kalanchoe Plant (Update video)

  1. I had just mildly inserted 4-5 leaves of kaleonche in garden soil :sand 50:50 mix some days back but no results of propagation please please guide me how to propagate kaleonche by leaves without rooting hormone

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