These five questions answered are about 4 main subjects: Growing Grumichama, what type of drainage (if any) to use in raised vegetable garden beds, why is my lemon tree shedding fruit, and dragon fruit pitaya growing.
Actual Questions (unaltered)
1) Name: Louise
Message: Hi Mark
I was googling about growing a grumichama tree and saw your article and found it helpful and am hopeful you can help. I planted one a couple of years ago, and it hasn’t thrived…. the leaves get pale patches which then turn brown. It doesn’t get a lot of water and is in a sunny position and have mulched around it. Should I cut it right back and see how it goes? Has only grown to about a meter at best.
Kind regards.
2) 3:47 Name: Vi
Message: Hi Mark, I came across your drainage in raised beds video and was wanting to ask a couple of questions. I’m planning to place 3 garden beds (200cmx100cmx73cm and 2 of 180cmx100cmx40cm) on top of my garden which is compacted soil atm. Are drainages still required when placing the beds on soil? You also mentioned its only required if its the bed is above knee height. What is the reason for this? Thank you
3) 11:44 Name: Fransie
Message: Hi, we stay in South Africa at the sea, weather is like Melbourne. We have 2 Bear lemon trees 2yrs old and still drop his fruit only get very small after flowering, what is wrong , PLEASE HELP???
4) 14:20 Name: Nemiraj
Message: Does dragon fruit grows with salty water
5) 16:45 Name: Sina heidari
Message: Hello
I am going to establish a little pitaya greenhouse with 3 tree (4 stem per tree).
I want help in suitable climate and humidity in four season to achieve to best quality. I do appreciate if you help me.
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Interesting question and answers.
G'day there, I just came across your video this am my time central USA, but am an Aussie living here for some years, what a lovely back yard you have there, and growing dragon fruit you must be NSW north east coast area…? Did you see your dog at the end part, looks like he/she found something, hope not something of the slithering kind…? Loved the video, and saw the video of the grapevine pruning. Loved hearing the parrots, and birds in the background, and also the Aussie gums etc.Never heard of that tree 'Grumichama" looks interesting, how do you eat the fruit from it…..?You've made a hugel garden out of that planter, after a year or two you wont have to do much watering, as the logs you put in will act like a sponge soaking up any rains or waterings from when you started it. I agree with you on the sand, wood is much, much better, a thumbs up on that one! Off to watch some more of your video's, Cheers for now!
Hey Mark–have you ever thought about raising pigs?
hi Mark good day to you from Oklahoma USA! I've got a couple friends trying to grow peppers they seem to be having lots of problems with yellowing of leaves. overall the plant just does not seem very healthy at all. this has me baffled because I've always thought pepper plants pretty much grow themselves without much maintenance and usually do good. with that said I don't have enough knowledge about the pepper plants I've always just throw them in the garden and they thrive. I was wondering if you can discuss your pepper plants in the pot give some tips on how to keep it healthy. and if you have done this already maybe share the link with me to the video so I can share it with them.
I'm so happy to hear the information about the logs in the base of the beds! I have an area that I had put logs down for just this reason, but wanted to raise my beds so I could have better access to them. Now I can actually use that spot to do just what I wanted to do all along. This is wonderful, and the spot already has a 3 year start too! I will add a bit more branches and logs, and then fill it up with great soil, This is going to save me a ton of money as far as good soil goes, and I will finally have beds I can easily use. Bless, Sheila THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!
Great video Mark . Looks roasting hot there .
You seem to use a lot of wood products such as logs and trimmings. I thought that those products would tie up the nitrogen. I love your raised beds. My husband has just built me one using tin panels. I like them much better than I do my lower beds made of 2X 12's. You have a fabulous garden!
@Self Sufficient Me
Hi Mark,
Recently found you and have subscribed and now really enjoy flicking through your videos.
So much useful information from such an established garden. Thank you.
Have you got any mango trees? Any videos you could point me towards?
My little boy and I have been germinating them from store bought fruit quite successfully and any information on their development is welcome.
I really look forward to settling into more of your videos whenever I get the chance
Your garden is awesome! I love looking at your fruit trees. I am always dreaming of more fruit trees in my yard
Hi from Rhode Island, USA Mark! I would like to make some raised beds similar to yours using that corrugated circular metal that see in your garden. What is that stuff and where might I look for it!?
Thanks, Rusty
Northern tool has them
Doing Q&A videos every week would be an awsome thing to do ..
My question is … why don't you grow kiwi fruit or watermelon ?
Also thank you for your amazing warm person you are .
Hello Mark, I'm going to try to help you with a video Idea. Many people don't do raised bed gardening. Most just break the ground and plant. Here's the Idea: You can do a video on what it takes to plant directly into the ground. We bought an old very used but not refused tractor. We also got a large walk behind tiller and a small one, I can't use a larger tiller because of My Multiple Sclerosis. A couple of good hoes, a good heavy rake, and some small tools. That will get you started then you need all of your fertilizers and mulch as you have showed in your other videos. Jessie From Arkansas USA