March 19, 2025

VIDEO: How to Plant Gladioli Bulbs – Allotment Grow How #gardening #gardeninguk

Today we head up to the allotment and show you how to plant Gladioli bulbs. They really are easy and will add a splash of colour to your garden in the middle of summer. It’s not just gladioli bulbs that we plant we also plant out a tree lilium or tree lilly.

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#gladiolibulbs #gardeninguk #allotment

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Plant Gladioli Bulbs – Allotment Grow How #gardening #gardeninguk

  1. Hmmmm…tree lily…  I have the perfect spot for a few of those.  AM shade due to a bush.  But at that height they'll be in full sun in no time.  Also have a bearded iris outside that back fence I need to move in the fall.  But that one is going into a buried tub due to the way they spread.  Nice vid bud.  You keep making them & I'll keep watching them.

  2. Nice camera work. Have you heard of the APP Myseasons for smartphones. It has been made by the EU for "citizen scientists" It allows you to collect data for a phenology database and they are interested in things like when snowdrops emerge, when forsythia blooms, blossoms on apple trees all as indicators of climate change. They want as many people as possible to collect the data in different parts of Europe. It would be a great collaboration of folks who have allotments in the UK.

  3. I have found tree lilies grow as a standard lily in the first year and take several years to grow over 6 feet tall .But they are well worth waiting for. Just a reminder that slugs also love them !

  4. Yep deeper the better…taken on new garden and all big herbaceous perennials are flat on the ground..heart breaking in high next year will be supported all the way

  5. 2020…I am a new gardener. I know nothing except I planted black eyed susans, azalea bush and a Dinner plate hibiscus. So proud they came back 2 years on a row. So, I just purchased a bag of glads and found your video helpful. Gonna plant tomorrow. Should I be using compost every time I plant? Thank you! p.s. can you link photos of the results?

  6. If you've enjoyed this video please hit the SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and also the BELL ICON to be notified when each new video is uploaded. Welcome to both old an new subscribers…. Thank you for watching and taking the time to comment – Cheers Adam (Allotment Grow How)

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