September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal!!!

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Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
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Music by Otis McDonald.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal!!!

  1. Here's an update on what we've done with our program. We are no longer accepting any interns at all. It's too risky. But what we will be doing going forward is charging for apprenticeships. The silver lining with all of this is that the government forced us to be creative and think of a better way to form a win win arrangement. So, people will pay us to come and follow us around on the farm. We haven't set the price yet, but it maybe around $1000.

  2. Libertarians are waking up!
    I wanted to allow someone in my neighborhood to watch my child, but there is a law saying they have to be a business or do less than 10 hrs a week. WHO IS THE GOVERNEMTN TO TELL ME I HAVE TO SEND MY KID TO A CORPORATE DAYCARE?!?

    This is just one piece of the pie.

  3. Perhaps to satisfy the government, you could pay a certain hourly wage to the intern but then charge the intern that same amount as tuition for the education that they are gaining.

  4. There’s truth that wealthy people are typically the only ones that can afford to do an unpaid internship OR go to a University. Sorry, but your argument that University Education puts people into debt actually backs up your opponents’ argument. Pay the people who work for you. Period. You, intentionally, I think, didn’t leave out a third option where you offer a paid internship. You want free labor. Or you want to charge for education. Pay them for labor, give them an education at the same time.

  5. I know I'm commenting years later…but this is mind-boggling to me….when I was nearing the end of my graduate public health degree (Ohio, USA), a 12 week internship was REQUIRED in order to graduate from my program. Luckily, I was able to secure an unpaid internship at a local rural health department…they would not have been able to pay me as funding is very limited in public health. If they were banned from offering unpaid internships, I wouldn't have been able to graduate from my university program lol

  6. Ah I am so glad I came accross this video. I was so stoked about the gardening content that I went out this afternoon to the book store and ordered the book The Urban Gardener. Now I will have to call back the book store and cancel my order and I will immediately stop watching your content.

  7. Welcome to Canada. Also, keep voting for the Libs or the NDP. The Cons are useless but at least they don't invent laws for the sake of laws and they generally leave agriculture alone.

  8. Spoken as an Austrian economist…Sounds like arguments made by a collectivist apparatchik trying to push you around; also by forcing more businesses to pay a wage it is a great money-making scheme for people that cannot balance a check book. Specifically, the intern has to pay taxes on their income and business has to pay tax for the privilege of employing someone. It is said, "they bribe us with our own money"

  9. Right on. Government is not god. Free your mind people. People calling themselves government are just people in costumes. People on costumes, committing what would be crimes if you or I committed them. Therefore, they are criminals. Since when do you take direction from criminals???? Food for thought.

  10. As someone who got my foot in the door in a VERY competitive industry, I can confidently say that it was the unpaid internship I did that set me on a successful career path. It was a short internship, I learned a lot, and my "employer" helped me secure a full time position. It was a win-win, no question about it.

  11. do notice you have the same problem as we in Sweden. it is strange to be discouraged from growing and raising local food. and the same people are talking about climate issues. they want to pay a citizen's salary and guide us in everything we do.

  12. If you willingly intern stay at the internship and are happy with it doesn't make you a slave. It is educational internship and slavery are 2 wildly different things yet it sounds the government wants to call it slavery.. while they put us in slavery wth

  13. "Interns cannot sign away their right to a minimum wage". Essentially says that an individual cannot choose to work for free, even if thats what they want, even if thats what they agree to, even if thats what they choose to do! So this law, prevents an individual from exercising their right of free choice! Nefarious, indeed! Government Intervention …. the largest and most dangerous Pandora's box of them all!

  14. Government bureaucracy only cares about adding more regulatory control. They really don't care about any impact to who is being regulated. The #1 goal of all bureaucrats is building/growing the bureaucracy.

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