March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Strawberries: How to Grow the Best Tasting Strawberries

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Home-grown strawberries taste the best – and the great news is they’re very easy to grow.

By selecting the right varieties and providing ideal growing conditions, you’re sure to enjoy a super crop of strawberries.

In this short video we’ll explore the best ways to choose, plant and grow strawberries to get the most from these delicious summer fruits.

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21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Strawberries: How to Grow the Best Tasting Strawberries

  1. I am a beginning gardener who loves strawberries. I would appreciate anyone's advice and counsel on how to get started. This video was very informative, but many times I have a hard time remembering all of the steps necessary to grow each plant. I really would love any help that is offered. Thank you.

  2. I dont have a cultivation tip, but i have a bomber consuming tip:
    Use Your Microwave!
    That is not a joke!
    Giving cold refrigerated strawberries a burst of 10-20 secds. (depd. on your microwave -ofcause) in your microwave, turns them into sun-warmed delicious gems!

  3. Although the origin of its common name is certainly uncertain, the name strawberry is actually a corruption of "strewn berry" more than likely. As a strawberry plant produces runners and spreads, its berries and plants were strewn about the ground.

  4. thanks for sharing. I do grow strawberries, unfortunately the leaves get sick during rain season and I end up with no fruit. They normally thrive again when it gets dry and warm.

  5. I put mine in an old rabbit cage. They cell those for mini rabbits but since I don't have rabbits I am raising my strawberries to eat in the cage that is lifted off the floor.
    The other is to have 1 bed for picking and the other for multiplying only.

  6. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is coming very soon. Please repent and preach the Gospel before it's too late. God bless you all.

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    1 John 5:12
    Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

    John 8:36
    So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    Romans 3:23

    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

    Romans 6:23 NLT
    “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”

    Matthew 11:15
    Whoever has ears, let them hear.

    Revelation 22:12
    And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

    Romans 8:28

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose

  7. For those that don’t have a massive gardening space, perhaps even shady. Alpine strawberries are honestly a brilliant alternative. I grow them along my fences and they require no maintenance and produce handfuls of little berries every day during the growing season.

  8. I use cinnamon a lot. No fungus, flies, or any other pests. Just sprinkle liberally on top of the soil around your plants. I redo it about once a month. This really works!

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