Today on Allotment Grow How we take a look at what’s going on at the plot and we also plant some Swamp Lilies.
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#Allotment #swamplily #plottour
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#Allotment #swamplily #plottour
Just found your allotment over the weekend. Found it really good and have subscribed . My partner and I have just taken on a plot in Rushington West Sussex 2 weeks ago and are really soured on by your videos. Wouldn't like to say what the seeds are though!!!!! Really enjoyable so keep up the good work. Roger n Jenny F.
That should say spurred on by the way.
guessing a cucumber
Great update, the earth is waking up!! As to your seeds, I'll guess a pepper of some kind. Just an idea, but if you put the other frame at the end of the bed you have the first one in, you could put chicken wire or trellis material in between and create a walk way/hallway of beans and peas. Thanks for the vid!
The new fence looks good. Buck
Put netting up on trellis, we grow these on trellis: peas, beans, small melons that don't slip, vining squash( summer or winter type up to 8 lbs), & cucumbers. Some people grow tomatoes up strings on a trellis, but I get way too much hot sun to do that.
As to the mystery seedling, it looks fleshy and I haven't got any idea what it is.
I think that the red flower looks like stock but not positive.
Allotment looks great.
I'm guessing sweet peas. Try some melons on the frames Adam. I am still waiting for the snow to go from my garden but have started sowing onions, kale, lettuce and sweet peas indoors. Cheers Dave
I reckon that that unidentified seed that you have got could grow well up those frames that you have just acquired 🙂 have a marvellous day
I would not want to compare my wood working skill with Mike B either. He is a true craftsman. I will guess asparagus seedling. Best wishes Bob.
Wow there's a lot here you have asked to reply on. My wife and I watched it together but I can only give one thumbs up. Broad Beans great. Did mine straight into the ground. We have mice, looks like I have 100% firing, now was this down to the coffee grounds? I think the seed is a Sunflower. Got a thump in the arm which hurt, for your fence which I think is terrific. Dont worry about mistakes I make them. He who does not make mistakes has built nothing. Sweet peas are favourites for the frames. Metal wigwam good buy, don't rely on superglue or araldite unless you stik a hoop over the top to keep it tpgether. Crimins is a bit of a reminder of my days as a chorister Open your books boys ae aill sing all things bright and beautiful to Crimin
Have a good day Mike B
Hi Adam, I do hope you have success with the spuds I sent you. As long as you keep them watered they will be fine and tasty. I know what, I could find a good use with those frames you have acquired. Looking forward to the next bid. Dave.
just a wild guess on the seedling , lemon tree? . As for the trellis how about that novelty squash from Italy , trombolini or a Vining cucumber? A very idyllic spot you have there.
I'm going to say sweet pea! Nothing like a good strop to get the blood flowing- haha.
Awesome update
iron frames for cucumbers, even pumpkin, sugar snips. great video, thank you.
I'm going to take a guess at those seeds being some kind of pea.
With a name like Swamp Lily i would've expected them to like swampy ground!
hi Adam i think that seedling is a sweet pea
looks like they could possibly be sweet peas, adam.
I would grow a butternut squash up the frame. I grew a few plants up canes 2 years ago and it was a success.
Great video mate. Your plot looks like it is in a very quiet and picturesque place. Fence looks great. My guess is a sweet pea. Take care. Nick
Hey Adam, I'm going to say the seedling is sweet peas, based on last years planting you planted the sweet peas and broad beans around the same time. The pallet looks good Adam even from a distance.. ha ha. I see you like all the tepee like trellis. Now if you not going to use the one you used last year, you can send that over too me. 🙂 Nice tour, hopefully all your plans work out. T
Just happened upon your channel and have already subscribed – come on over to our place and check us out 🙂
Have you thought about squash plants growing over the frames? I had a great crop of butternut round mine last year – I'm going to try James Wong tromboncinos this year. The pallets you've done are a great idea – herbs would look good if you blocked the bottoms :0)
cucumber a recon lol 😉 them frames a would of but both in the one bed at each end and wired between, two rows of beans, peas or whatever grown over the top fruit would hand down for easy harvesting