March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Our Livestock Guardian Dogs Update~

How is Cochise? How is Cora? Here is the latest!
Be sure to come to The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference to learn all about Livestock Guardian Dogs!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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Great books!
~ Farm Dogs HERE:
~ Chicken Health Handbook HERE:

Other items we use & recommend!
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Cowabella Sloggers HERE:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care/Training :
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~ Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~ Mortar & Pestle:
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~Nutri-Start Hand Feeding Formula:
~Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~PROBIOS Powder:

Patara’s Social Media:

~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page:

~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE:

~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts:

~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc:

Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Our Livestock Guardian Dogs Update~

  1. Of course Cochise can smell Cora on your clothes and hands, so he knows something new is going on. Happy to see he is healed, and hopefully he will adopt Cora and love her like we all do.

  2. In this hurry, hurry, hurry world we live in, it's so great to see someone doing it the right way! Stop…wait… THINK…pray on it…then move forward with your decision. Love what you're doing here!

  3. Ha! Miss Cora didn't look like she was in any hurry to get up! I think Mr.Cohese definitely knows something's up.All dogs react differently.I had 4yr old male dog and brought home a female dog,thinking he would be so happy,not!He wasn't mean to her,but for about a week,he would turn his back on me every time I spoke to him!

  4. Thanks for sharing.  I have two rescue dogs, and the selection of the 2nd one took some time.  My first is definitely the dominate one, but that is part of her job.

  5. He's taking it slow & careful. After all, he makes one wrong move who knows what else you may cut off! Lol That is one cute puppy. My daughter is in Mississippi & she calls everyday telling me she's freezing. This same girl bragged all winter while Idaho was buried in snow about how they were sleeping with the windows open. Well, guess what! It was 75* in Idaho yesterday. Did I call & tell her? Oh you betcha.

  6. We recently adopted a dog from a no kill shelter that they had listed as a German Shepherd mix at 5 years of age. We have been questioning that since the day we brought her home. She is an amazing and incredibly smart dog and we love her dearly but now that she's been here a month we are seeing a lot of traits that we aren't use to (we've had many dogs over the years. We had a German Shepherd Husky Malamute mix, a Shetland Sheepdog, and an Australian Shepherd Greyhound mix). I just recently started watching your videos and as soon as I saw your beautiful dog and hearing some of the traits you have talked about in LGD dogs, I'm wondering if our Clary might be one. We plan on having her DNA tested to find out exactly what breed she is. She is extremely protective of our youngest daughter (I say young but she's 13), she does routine rounds of the yard and inside, almost as if she's checking everything, she has incredible hearing (unlike our other dog) & every time my husband goes near my daughters room Clary runs past him and gets between him and my youngest. If he walks into the room and is playful with our daughter, Clary growls at him & barks and has put her mouth on his ankle, never actually biting him though. She always lays where she can watch what is going on. I could be completely wrong about her being an LGD but I do know there are breeders in the area (they came up on Google when I was trying to find more info on LGD's). I can't wait to get her DNA tested to know for sure!

  7. He looks like he is doing well, loves the attention from you. It's smart to take it slow, I mean you just got the pup a little bit ago, there is no hurry. She is so cute. 🙂

  8. Love your dogs. We have a homestead, but not sure about these type dogs. It just scares me as I hear they can be unpredictable, and also people have been attacked by them and they were the owners.. Think I will keep to my two security donkeys for now. If there is an informative website on the Great Pyrenees and their roles of security, etc. I would appreciate someone sharing with me. I would hate to pass up ever having dogs like this because of fear, and I love all my animals so much! Thanks for all of your videos. I enjoy them so very much.

  9. My grandfather was a vet he refused anyone who tried to get it done before 6 months old. Made a lot of people mad especially with SPCA wrongfully (wrong thing done, right reasons still the wrong thing) encouraging to spay and neuter super young. Their bodies aren't developed properly yet. It causes problems later on more often than not when you get it done too young. And definitely it's something that they get more stressed on when they are much older. 1 is a good age. I love how you are encouraging spay and neuter while simultaneously not encouraging that surgery on really young pets. They give a million and one reasons why it's best to get them young but it's really because they are worried about overpopulation. I get it, but it's still wrong and many good adoptive furbaby mommas and poppas out there did it thinking it was for the best when they would have done it at a healthier age had they been given better information. People that don't fix animals at all likely aren't going to do it young either so the only ones it affects most of the time are the ones that would have been fixed at a proper time by responsible owners. Which sucks. It's important, but there is a time that is right and a time that is wrong. Surgery on baby animals like people is more difficult not less. IF it's not life threatening emergency then it should wait until they are older/sturdier/and big enough to get around in there without as much trouble. Marshall farms ferret company told me the same bs about the ferrets. Even more so it's important with them as they get toxic shock syndrome easily however not at 5 weeks old. They ship them out at 6 weeks and they are fixed prior. They have such a bad record that they gave a guarantee on their ferrets. If it dies within a year (I believe) and you fed their food to it etc they will replace it…. I would rather just have a healthy animal. Some people might say that means it's a good company… No they wouldn't have had to guarantee it like that if there weren't so many complaints. This happened as pr way of resolving an issue with untimely deaths and people demanding refunds. They are even smaller than a lot of dogs so that surgery on such a baby of such a small animal it's just bad news. The way to spread the word to spay and neuter isn't to trick people/manipulate etc it's to spread real info because some people will do their own research then when they see it was misinformation that company or whatever loses credibility. SPCA does a lot of good but they also have tons of bad PR as well because of the way they handle things. I love the way you did it. Perfect, to the point, and honest information. That is what will wake people up to it's importance. Not "hey did you know that you can fix puppies as young as 3 months old" that was on one of my moms calendars she got from them (despite disagreeing with them, despite not liking how they handled the spay and neuter situation at all they still do a lot of good and she donated to them).

  10. First love the glasses!!!! Ohhh poor doggie…it plays such havoc o n our boys..dont it? Hormones…yikes.I so appreciate you sharing..and showing us that we all l need to be patient with our pets..keep them stress free..and be aware of this and how it can affect them. You are a good mother!!! I wish We all could be like you!!!

  11. Thank you for being a great owner and taking care of your dogs needs and not just leaving them out to fend for themselves because they're LGDs.. they still need care and maintenance like every other one. Brushing etc 🙂

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