Is it ok to pull back on your homestead? The answer is that is YES. Life happens. Things get crazy. Things change and sometimes, it’s more important to make sure that what you are doing is functioning properly as opposed to just adding more more more!
Let’s chat about it!
Thank you for all the support on our homesteading journey! Be sure to join us on May 6th for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference! Love you guys! xo
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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*Other items we use & recommend!
~ Farm Dogs HERE:
~ Chicken Health Handbook HERE:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care/Training :
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~ Mortar & Pestle:
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~Nutri-Start Hand Feeding Formula:
~Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~PROBIOS Powder:
~Lapel Mic:*afflinks
Patara’s Social Media:
~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page:
~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE:
~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts:
~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc:
Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
Yes!I was so excited when we moved to the property almost 2 years ago. Goats, dogs, cats, quail, rabbits, and chickens…all while homeschooling 4 kiddos. When one of my children became very ill, I realized I needed to take a step back. I sold my quail and rabbits, and now have time to focus and improve a few things instead of being too stretched in a lot of things. And to be there foe my sweet girl in this season. Great advice, Patara!
Great advice. Rest is good.
Tickets are purchased for the Conference, so excited! Poconos of PA being represented….my son and I are looking forward to saying hello to you in person.
Good advice…. I love the hale bale, eggs, and that bird pillow. Love it, love it!!!
Thank you! Right now, the AG Tax man is putting the pressure on us to have a list of certain things ( x amount of cash crop trees, x amount of cash crop livestock, etc.), by April 15th. If we don't, he will take away our agricultural tax credit and make us pay back all the years retroactively that this property has received it even for the years that we were not the owners. We would loose our place if that were to happen. So we are scrambling trying to get all our ducks in a row so to speak. And we are exhausted to say the least. However, watching your video has helped reign us in so we can focus on doing just a few things and making them great, instead of trying to do a huge list of things that would only be inferior and more work in the long run.
We moved to a long neglected homestead 3 years ago. We had PLANS to get it up and running in with a 5 year plan. Guess what. I got SICK. Not a little sick. SICK. Well. I have not had a big garden for 3 years now. I have a strawberry bed with 50 plants. I will have 15 tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets since my newly diagnosed RA will not allow bending to weed and plant. I will growing cukes in hanging baskets. We'll see what comes next. Maybe more buckets? Hopefully some chickens for eggs??? Sigh. God has blessed us. Fruit trees and bushes and yes, we will make what we can good. Thank you for this video!
Patara I just love your advice. I had surgery on my back with a cyst removed from my spinal cord that was two weeks ago and several vertebra were out of place. Well today I got on the tractor to clean or animals stalls picked forked cleaned two donkeys stalls, two horses stalls, feed the donkeys, horses, and 36 chickens OH I forgot I feed four toy Australian Shepherds. Cleared some brush for my future goats lot.b I have got to bake a fresh loaf of bread for my son. Did I mention my surgery was major and I have a 5 lbs weight limit. So your video couldn't have come at a better time. I got my tickets and hotelfç room and my momma and I are extremely excited.
Pulling back is not a failure…..
Great advice!
Love your background. You are funny!
I hear what you're saying. I have been practicing for when I get my homestead in my little backyard. I planned to get a place and have everything all at once that I saw other homesteaders had, or that I read about. After having a little garden and couple of bunnies I realized I need to reel it in, narrow it down, and specialize in a few things, and trade for other things I want until I have built up to where I can manage what I have, and have space and energy to start something new. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!
You got it! GOD is teaching you HIS wisdom!
Do the fake Easter Eggs encourage your chickens to lay more eggs? LOL. Seriously, just wondering.
Appalachia's Homestead: Exactly. You are doing what my grand parents did. They would give the land a resat every 6th or 7th year and focus more on everything else that didn't get done. I NEVER saw them stressed out over getting things done or needing to do things or having enough to eat. It was their way of life and that's what I would love to be able to do right now even though I'm disabled. I have the time just not the ability to do it now, so I am just doing the things I can get done when I can do them. That's really hard on me because I've been so used to just kicking the task in the rear end and getting it done all my life. Love your stuff. Definitely want to see more from you.
I enjoyed watching your video. Great advice. Now, that's using wisdom. You can't take care of your family if you don't first take care of Yourself. Trying to find balance can be hard but it can be done. I like your personality.
Totally agree. We are only there on the weekends. Work. Life. We can all get caught up in doing doing doing. There are times when we have to exhale!
I used to be a workaholic. I then got seriously ill and injured. I can no longer work like I used to, I get really ill if I try to work that hard. It bothers me a ton. But, if I don't take my time, I end up at a point I can't do anything at all. So, it is what it is.
Wow! I think this was such a WISE thing to do! I think I speak for all of us when I say we, as an audience to your life, were so very concerned about your crazy year last year. And I absolutely agree that this is most probably going to be a very good blessing for your family. I, for one (of many I'm sure) will keep y'all in my prayers.
As a new homestead on the outskirts of Lenoir City, your videos are priceless. I started with 7 raw acres with a well on it, I now have the house, garage and workshop. I am very eager to get the chicken coop and goat barn up but I am slowing it down so I do not let it get out of hand. Working a full time job, running a business and trying to get a homestead up all at the same time is not easy. Getting up early and getting to bed late tires a person out quickly. The property has a pond on it and a creek running through it that needs attention. This is crazy but I love it.
Thank you for this video, I needed it. I have been pushing too hard to get this house ready to put on the market, driving my kids crazy. We need a break. Thank you, God bless. (We do nothing on Sundays though, God directs us for our own good).
Hello! I''m just now finding your channel. First, I'm sorry to hear of your husbands illness, and hope conditions are must better now. I'm glad you came out with this Pullback advice. Most all the Homesteaders I've spoken with told me before I start, take it slow and easy, and that they took the dive too fast, and wish they had taken it slower. Best of everything to you!
Amen to that! I love your 'keepin' it real" approach to things.
For your husband, I highly recommend you do a search for Dr. Wallach or Dr. Glidden, naturopathic doctors, on congestive heart failure. It's a vitamin B-1 deficiency, with the proper nutrients he should be feeling better within a couple weeks, it helped my grandpa. There are several videos right here on Youtube. I don't want to be spammy and post links here, but if you'd like to use the supplements they recommend, and would like to get them at wholesale price, let me know and I'll give you a link. Blessings, and thanks so much for sharing your experiences with the rest of us, they're very inspirational and educational to me. <3
So proud of you for using wisdom and taking care of you and your family. Enjoy your journey!
Woman, I love your candid truth. It has come at the perfect time for me. May your family continue to flourish and be blessed.
I understand i get it what you do i am praying many blessings and bounty and feel sucessfull in all you do. Thank you for all you do. I know how you feel i hav an unfinished barn i will hav to hire out to be finished bless you and your family
life happens
Compete only against yourself, not others. In your position, I would cut back on large animals and grow gardens closer to the house. Not a homesteader, but I had to help my mother care for my Dad when he had heart disease.
Loved this session ….you are a teacher !