Does your garden feel like an endless ‘To Do’ list? Don’t despair – it doesn’t have to be that way! There are ways to make life easier for yourself and speed up the process.
Preparing vegetable beds, laying essential paths, raising plants from seed and keeping your crops watered and healthy all takes time, and let’s face it – it can be hard work.
In this short video we’ll share seven clever ideas to save you valuable time, while still producing delicious fruits and vegetables you can be proud of.
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
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Thank you from Long Island, USA!
green thumbs up
As always excellent video. Thanks.
Speaking of drying out, I lined my raised beds with a vinyl roofing material. This seemed to help with moisture retention, as it stopped leaching from the sides. Absent access to scrap roofing material, a couple of good coats of exterior paint would work, too.
Here's a tip – about 5-10 minutes before you go to work, walk around your garden, and do some basic weeding and removal of small twigs and the like. That way it doesn't take you so long to manage your garden when you have free time to do the big stuff, like removing the tree that fell in the windstorm.
Of course, that's if your garden is in your yard, and not somewhere else.
Very good information. Thank you.
Thank you for this excellent advice to start me off this season.
This was amazing, thanks for taking the time for making videos. The cardboard needs to be super saturated for the roots of the plants to grow through, FYI
Great video. Did you create the garden software? I want that!
Excellent tips. Thanks.
Great ideas. I like the idea of using chips on pathways. This gives me more uses for the chips generated around my homestead. I can only compost so much at given the amount of green stuff I produce.
Brilliant! thanks for this idea!
clear vinyl shower curtains stapled over raised beds + grow box for early start and reduced need for transplants
i love all your videos — thank you!
Thank you for all the great information
Great tips! Thank you.
I love those grow bags! Wish we had them here in Canada.
Great video and so new to me ideas!
Want to try the cardboard one. Old garden over run with briars. Need to get it back going. Did have worms established in it at one time hopefully I can get them back and the soil recovered. Just heard about no dig. Believe I 'll try that for fun.
Have a friend uses the bag. Her sister just dumps it where she wants to plant. (Doesnt like the look of the bag).Both seem to work well for them. Personally I like pine straw or leaves to cover soil.
First year over of having an allotment and I've watched a lot of YouTube videos and this is by far my number one go to. Brilliant, quick and effective advice without all the terrible filming, well done.
Top tip for growing anything…once planted, water really well and leave the watering for about a week, this encourages roots to spread. Doing this caused an abundance of crops and sizes.
Which is better growing in pots or in the soil to the ground
I wonder why most of this videos I watched on organic gardening based on US and UK only use Compost? I didnt see you suggest or make organic fertilizers. This is very encourgaing that it seems so easy
you help me alot XD
its so hard to take care of the vplants especially when u are doin it alone
Another strategy is ignoring your family and neglecting your job….. just sayin’
Oh dear,,two things in here i cannot do,#1 mulching with straw between rows…i get a lot of snakes good place for them to hide in.. i.e i have chooks = grain = mice..#2 is i have the weed called "wild onion weed' you have to dig this up bulb an all no smothering that with cardboard! But the grow bags? Brilliant! Might do that for seed raising.