Willow is very satisfying to work with and lends itself to making rustic screens, structures and supports for a beautiful natural look. No special tools needed!
Willow structures make very useful and attractive features in a garden. They can be used to edge beds, screen off unsightly parts of the garden, or even be used as fencing.
In this short video we demonstrate how to make a simple willow hurdle, step by step.
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I’m trying to imagine how to create corners with this technique. Can you start another edge at an angle a weave into the previous edge to make a boxed in area?
I would love to grow Willow in my garden. Thanks so much for this brilliant video. Just found out that you can buy Willow soft charcoal. Hope to try it out on Japanese Knotweed Paper. I made some Japanese Knotweed paper. If we in the UK created our own JK paper like they are doing overseas, we could save a lot of trees:
We will give it a go. our willow has lots of extra shoots so we should manage a couple of little hurdles
What effect would ivy growing over a willow fence have? Would it make it stonger and a better wind blocker, or will it ruin the structural integrity?
To flex the willow or hazel more easily and tighter you can twist it until the fibers are visible and looks like a rope.
Great video, thank you.Very clear demo of making a hurdle.
Thanks mate
You never cease to amaze me! You are a wealth of information!
You sound like NIgel Slater and it makes me uncomfortable.
Hmmm I finally followed Robert's advice and took woodprix. It's great for beginners, and has some advanced stuff too.
I made two obelisks recently from willow.
It's important to soak the willow for a couple of days if it's been left to dry out.
My first and only efforts so far are encouraging but I wish I had soled them to avoid some snapping.
willow plant supports please how to make please
Thank You so much.
What breed of willow do you suggest growing to make hurdles?
I heard very good opinions about the Stodoys plans.
I did it too. This is what I used Woodglut designs for
Interesting idea. I also like living willow fences
Great video, Thanks for sharing
WOW,I love your channel, I buy the same one from newigstyle..com last month, delivery by DHL,good quality !!!!
I do this using mulberry tree whips! So much fun and I get compliments from the neighbors
Awesome update
amazing…nicely explained..thank you..
Thank you for the video.
What kind of tree is this?
There are some waterlogged parts of my yard so I bought some willow cuttings to grow there. Now after seeing this video I'm really excited about growing willow so I can make things for the vegetable garden.
When you say hazel, what is it? Witchhazel, hazel nut? From the US here.
Thanks for showing this. I feel like I could actually do this!
Could you line the hurdle with plastic or something to extend it’s life?
This is what I'm looking for
could i ask where you got your willow from – i ordered mine and it’s much thicker can i still use it?