January 9, 2025

VIDEO: TIME STACKING! Interplanting by time

How to use time as a strategy for interplanting. Pairing short season with long season crops and keep production rolling while things grow.
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Music by: David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk

Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
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Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: TIME STACKING! Interplanting by time

  1. hey Curtis, do you do these videos in one take? I have started doing some instructional videos and granted i am trying to compress the information into a time limit, to keep the total memory down , but it is taking a lot more takes than I thought it would.

  2. Last year i plant headlettuce between the red cabagge plants. i plant them at the same time. And at the Beginning  the cabagge ned verry less space. In 1.5 months they started to get verry huge leaves, but at this time the head lettuce is mature. So it works really well 🙂

  3. Hi Curtis last year I grew lettuce in rows on their own and also grew the three sisters. This year I'm going to grow lettuce among the three sisters as the lettuce will be over before the squash run everywhere. I might grow spinach among my pumpkins too and will probably do the three sisters with those. I've sown carrots among my broad beans but they've not come through. I often try growing a quicker crop in any gaps or spaces as it utilises growing space and also keeps ground cover.

  4. gourds and sunflowers while gourds are not a quick growing crop My Wife is Native American and uses them through put the next year She makes native crafts to sell so that's where the profit comes from

  5. sugar snap peas and carrots will be my first go then I was going to do beans peas very little roots and carrots all root. I also have an acre and a half open to me extra so might put in sweet potatoes when they are done. any ideas? and thanks to you and your videos we will be starting strawberries in that new space. I believe tomatoes are in the future. kinda sweet cause a creek runs by it we can irrigate. asparagus I think might have a future there. would appreciate any word on that as a cash crop.

  6. Curtis, you might be surprised to learn that there were actually 7 sisters. The other four being jerusalem artichoke, ground cherry, sunflower and tobacco! If you're interested look up abenaki seeds.

  7. Carrots and radish;potatoes and fave bean and lettuce;Three sisters, just using peas instead of beans, but I don't think this system is worth it in the small market garden.Spinach in strawberries; lettuce garlic and onions work well. Although I should do a legume. I put a leek in every space I find.

  8. Thanks Curtis for sharing. Will test your method of interplant tomatoes with that landscape fabric, but with basil.
    Do you think the interplanting could promote to much humidity at the base of the tomato plant as the other plants exudes water, like a humid microclimate?

  9. I have two medium size gardens only last fall I plant my garlic, leaving a space for the tomato to be inserted in the spring. Tomatoes get planted deep to provide larger root system for heavier production. I expect Garlic to be pulled mid July. Between my tomato plants, I am planting peppers/egg plant with lettuce at the base as you have done. Diversity offering some less draw for insects. Have you looked at EM-1 to inoculate the soil?

  10. Radishes seem to work well with any of the larger plants. I did radish and zucchini last year and it worked great. The radishes shaded out weeds until the zucchini was large enough to cover the ground.

  11. I do similar with my lettuce and tomatoes. got 3rd cut off my lettuce just today and my tomatoes are just now starting to grow out of the blooms. I may try for another crop of lettuce after seeing this and see if I can get all my harvests out of them. Cool video. Right on!!!

  12. Currently growing peas for microgreens in between squash, zucchini, and long island pumpkin. The peas keep our sandy soil nice and loose and I can plant several pea shoot harvests before the squash takes over.

  13. I like to start spinach under my trellis for cukes. I start the spinach about 2 weeks before the cukes by seed… by the time the cukes really start growing up and shading the spinach, I've already cut baby spinach leaves several times and in our climate, northern Ohio, the cukes shade the spinach and I usually get a third cutting before it just sort of stops growing. 🙂 (My cuke trellis is not straight up, but angled, low, sort of over the spinach a bit… they sort of lay on the trellis. Hope this makes sense.

  14. How do I email you directly? I saw the video of you in Boston and I'm about an hour and half away (Maine), but the email alert to that video didn't show up until 2 days after it was posted. I would have loved for you to have visited our land to either do a video or simply for advice. My wife and I are probably 2 years out on having a working farm. Our property is on the top of a ridge with a lot of ledge. We have to tier, bring in, and build soil. It would have been nice to have you here to give us advice on the layout. BTW, love your book so far! Just ordered it and not that far in.

  15. broccolini with cilantro, green onion or pak choy, but it's riskier because a brassica. I don't cut my cilantro but instead pull the roots and bunch/spray. grows well with broc heavily fed bed and shade.

  16. I've done corn with pumpkins, which worked awesome. Adding poles beans to the mix this year. I also like to mix my carrot seeds with radishes, because the radishes finish quickly and when I pluck them they leave extra rooms for the carrots.

  17. I time stack by planting new tree seedlings in deep 12 Liter buckets so they can develop deep roots and I get to plant shallow rooted plants at the base to get an immediate yield from the pot. Beans I find work really well for this.

  18. I've planted carrots in-between the drip lines, with my tomatoes on the outside of the lines. I put the carrots (75-DTM) in a couple of weeks before tomato transplants and the carrots were ready just in time for the tomatoes to take over….Thanks for all the great vlogs Curtis! Life changing.

  19. Yes, for the first time this year, I decided to plant a row of red russian kale on each side of one of my greenhouse tomato rows. On the other row, I planted salanova on each side. The row with the salanova did great. The row with the kale showed remarkably slower growth and then began faltering. After looking it up, I discovered that brassicas inhibit nightshades. Kale was immediately removed and replanted with some basil. We'll see if the tomatoes recover or not. Not a good experiment.

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