A simple and cost effective way of setting up irrigation in caterpillar tunnels. Buy your caterpillar tunnel here: http://bit.ly/2gItRNf
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Curtis, thanks for sharing, awesome …
Dumb question: can we see it in action?
poly tunnel and caterpillar are the same? or poly tunnel is a permanent version? or different cover?
Hey Curtis, have you considered trying out a permaculture experiment on a leased lot in the future?
With your expertise in statistic and record-keeping and general, objective efficiency-tracking and improving, it'd be super interesting to see what kind of results/data you might gather and compare between a, say, 2-year permaculture lot and a comparable square meterage of your regular urban production.
One suggestion to complement your setup:
Capture the rainwater, from the roofs, tunnels, etc into cisterns.
Use a float (if you don't have enough storage or rainfall) off of your city water lines to refill them as needed.
Then you can do most if not all of your watering using rain water instead of processed city water.
Recycle, renew, reuse eh
Do you have to worry about damage to the drip lines when you get minor freezes this time of year?
Awesome videos. I'm sure I've seen every single one you've put out. Question…Which is the most profitable for you: these videos, microgreens ($2000 in seeds), or your other produce ($1000 in seeds)? Thanks! Learning lots!
Sweet set up Curtis! that actually gives me some really goo ideas for the summer
See, now that's what I thought you were going to show/talk about when I saw the video titled "Over head irrigation"..:-)
I went right out and added overhead spray to my garden. I have 10 foot pvc hoops on rebar stakes. Thanks for the great idea.
I really want to know the reason why that one TURD disliked this video..
I have tried several iterations of irritation my issue is that the sun and heat kill the plastics in a season unless I bury or wrap them, and my metal stuff bites it when we freeze. I have near unlimited water via irrigation but getting it where I want it has been my issue for 3 years now.
That system is awesome Curtis. Will be following that up.
Very cool set up. We are planning on investing in one of these caterpillar tunnels and I was already thinking ahead what would be best for irrigation. Thanks for sharing and keep up the amazing work you do.
Im impressed with how much you already have close to harvest. (coming from the same hardiness zone) Are the beds in this video over wintered or did the caterpillar tunnels give them that much of a jump start?
your just as bad as a conventional Farmer. Not sustainable at all.
Thanks, Curtis. There is one question, that really bother me during lots of videos already – I see that your greenhouse is almost empty – it seems that you can easily at least triple the amount of beds/plants that you grow there. So, you do not have enough demand for greens or something else?
https://www.fiverr.com/tacobell123 urban farmer here plz help me grow by heading to my fiver and having a plant named for 5$! I would appreciate it thank you!
Great videos
Great Idea…Doesn't seem to use too much water so that will be great on our Mountain Homestead Tunnels at 8700 feet elevation since we haul our water 1 mile up the road from our Mountain spring to our water tanks to water our gardens. Can't wait to start incorporating this idea. Reasonably priced, too!
For us newbies to your channel, what is the name of your book? On Amazon? Thanks
Love this concept !!! – will try to implement on my own site – will low tunnels help keep deer away ? not an issue in city but somewhat problematic in the country
Show it turned on sometime. Thanks. –Brenda
Can you tell me at what temperature would you have to keep your tunnel to grow tomatoes most of the winter?
You said that you don't run pressure reducers. Do you have any issues with compression fittings for drip tape coming off? I currently am running 10-15 psi reducer but it limits how many lines I can run at one time.
So you never used drip for spinach? this could be my problem hmmmm
Could you use 1/2 instead of 3/4 to feed those overhead sprinklers?
Can i cover an area of 100 by 40 foot with one caterpillar tunnel?
Oops. Sorry. I pressed the wrong thumb. I should have pressed a thumbs up . Love and appreciate all your videos, Curtis. You teach very well, are extremely approachable and provide well balanced "I've done it" advice.
is there a reason to put up a caterpillar tunnel in the spring and summer?