January 10, 2025

VIDEO: Building Soil With Cover Crops!

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
Everything in one place: http://theurbanfarmer.co/curtis-gear-list/
Paper Pot Transplanter: http://paperpot.co/
Caterpillar tunnel: http://bit.ly/2gItRNf
Quick Cut Greens Harvester: http://bit.ly/1W3nLGb
Knife and Tool Sharpener: http://bit.ly/29DHlos
Jang Seeder: http://goo.gl/XGvJtl
Row Bags: http://goo.gl/eI1CLp
Insect Netting: http://goo.gl/rjyimK
The Coolbot | $20 off!: http://bit.ly/2l6DhEx
Music by: David Cutter Music – www.davidcuttermusic.co.uk

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building Soil With Cover Crops!

  1. So you till it once to form beds. Ok that I understand. But you don't add fresh compost and till that in. You'll destroy most of the beneficial fungi/nematodes/protozoa and bacteria. Instead create a nice layer and plant them directly in that compost. Over time they will eat the cover crop and trade it for exudates. Tilling is one of the worse things you can do.

  2. Hi Curtis, I discovered you this winter thanks to interview  by John of Growing Your Green, since then it's opened up a whole new world for me! I've seen a lot of your youtube videos and I finally decided to buy your book last week: thank you for sharing your experience and being a facilitator for new urban farmers!
    A question: for a new piece of land, in some videos you talk about grubbing by hand the weeds as a first step; in the book, weeds or not, you write to use the sod cutter; here, between crops, you inter cover crops; at this point, can I directly grind the ground with all weeds and grass? Here in Italy, garden lovers move in this way. Pros? Cons?

  3. A question: for a new piece of land, in some videos you talk about grubbing by hand the weeds as a first step; in the book, weeds or not, you write to use the sod cutter; here, between crops, you inter cover crops; at this point, can I directly grind the ground with all weeds and grass? Here in Italy, garden lovers move in this way. Pros? Cons? Thanks!

  4. Hey Curtis thank you so much for all the info. I have a question, I'm wondering if you use the power harrow attachment for the bcs? I see you use a rotatiller, but haven't seen the harrow. Just wondering why. I run a csa in Utah and have been following your vids all year, got your book too. Thank you so much for sharing , it has been a huge year of learning for me.

  5. Hi, you have tilled freshly green matters into the soil. That will not help it to decompose as quickly and efficiently as you might think. This is because there isn't sufficient Nitrogen in the soil than in the surrounding atmosphere to aid its decomposition process. If you dig it after a while, you will find it undecomposed; whereas, the ones you left on top are decomposing much faster. To decompose green matters quickly, let it set on top of your soil for a while until it gets brown and breaks down into fine pieces- or just throw it in your recycling container as you normally do. This is how nature contributes to the creation of topsoil. It adds organic matters to the topsoil but NEVER mix matters with it AT ALL!

    Have you evere seen nature tilling soil and mixing cover crops with it? Again, ADD and NOT MIX

    Good Luck!

  6. Instead of rototilling, could you not just make walkways with a rotory plough and throw the soil from the walkways onto the beds and then just tarp it. You would not have to till in the cover crop if you did it this way.

  7. Can you plant cover crops without first removing the grass? Do you have to till first or do you think you can sow cover crops directly into grass and have it take?

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