March 26, 2025

VIDEO: True NO Till Gardening Seeding Building Soil for Homesteading Vegetables for beginners 101. Part 1.7

True NO Till Gardening Direct Seeding Growing ( Building ) Soil for Homesteading Organic Vegetables for beginners 101. Part 1.7.. No till gardening with mulch. Composting leaves can also be used in a organic vegetable garden 101 income.

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: True NO Till Gardening Seeding Building Soil for Homesteading Vegetables for beginners 101. Part 1.7

  1. Hey, doesn't anyone make a hand-push (or pull) disc? Or something like the hand-held corn planters – chonk the blades in, open, drop in a seed, step to close the hole?

  2. I bought some romaine lettuce starter plants at Whole Foods this year I've never grew Romaine but these things grew up to be about 4 and 1/2 5 feet high what is the deal with that? I was expecting a bundle low to the ground nice romaine lettuce. Is that how we remain grows in a stock?

  3. Do you just keep repeating this process year after year? Truly, never tilling? I am only ASSuming that this would happen – How do you prevent the soil from getting too firm and compacted over the years?

  4. Thanks again the hedge trimmer and the rake was one of the first video of yours I watched, great invention, adaptation. I am so pleasantly surprize I came across your videos out of the blue. The perfect organic farmer, I have learnt some thing new in all your videos

  5. Love this idea of improving soil. I see lots of benefits with alot of crops. I think this would be hard to do with potatoes though, it seems like you would still have rototill atleast a little bit, or use a broad fork.

  6. I love your videos and I've learned a lot from you. But I'm reluctant to use a weed whacker because as the plastic string wears down it adds microplastics to the soil. Can you suggest an alternative for the home gardener?

  7. What happens after you harvest the garden of the vegetables we could plant? It seems logical to plant rye again for soil build-up during the winter for the cicle to be repeated.
    My doubt is: all the rye is now mulch, how will I plant the rye again if the mulch is there and with out tilling it?

  8. My question is my cover crop is not very tall because deer have been eating it over the winter. Does it have to grow to the 18 in and start to seed out before you cut it in order for it to stop growing.or does trimming it down close to the ground end it's growing season?

  9. Black &Decker's Edge-Hog has a "trench" mode, effective but not sure if this item is still made. Also with a good weedeater and some practice you should be able to cut a thin line into the soil, like pin striping a car..

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