Where am I and what’s going on!
Busy with the farm, the kids and… just a little thing called The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference! YOU guys have made it an EPIC homesteading celebration!
~ THANK YOU! See you then!
Patara’s Social Media:
~Facebook: https://goo.gl/6Sf4II
~Blog: http://appalachiashomestead.blogspot.com
~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/CmLAOm
~ TICKETS for The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference HERE: https://goo.gl/inF0gJ
~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts: https://goo.gl/nLa90W
~My son’s channel-Marlow Music Inc: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYee3p007YXEYfOUtJlBhHg
Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381
Sounds like your husband is feeling better. REALLY glad to hear it.
hopefully I can attend next year! Y'all have a blast!
i am no excited to see all of you
Im not able to come to the conference. But I know why its a big deal. This is the kind of lifestyle that people everywhere are CRAVING. Modern life has become so unnatural and completely unrecognizable. America needs farms and farmers and we need to get back to reality. Bless you and your family for helping us wannabes along way.
got a wedding that day so can't come this time but here's to next year maybe!
We appreciate all the hard work to get this conference ready….my husband and I are soooo looking forward to meeting all homesteaders and learning. God Bless you Patara
my wife and I are adding to the kid numbers when we get there. All five are coming. We will be tired but we cant wait. Keep up the great job and get some rest this week because we know you wont get any Saturday. LOL
hi, good luck with the prom and the conference
Up here in PA, it's the Griswold cast iron that is the big thing, I got mine all from
PA Dutch auctions. Love cast iron
I can tell you are super excited to see Starry. You girls have a good time. Would love to come and meet you all.
Starry is super excited about the Conference, you girls are going to have a blast
So wishing I could come to the conference. Maybe next year! Sounds Amazing!
Is Lodge going to be selling products at the conference?
Patara, so excited to be coming to the conference next weekend, so many of my friends will be there. I have wanted to meet Old Alabama Gardener, since I am from Alabama, and I just read in the comments that he will be there.
Great job as usual Patara. Lookng forward to more hugs at the conference. So excited to see everyone. Bless you.
Hug on Starry for me!
It's graduation week for me or I'd be there with my crew! See you next year when I don't have a graduate. I hope Prom was the bomb for your boy! Hugs!
Looking forward to the conference!
Just curious: When you say the conference is "sold out," how many tickets total were sold?
We will be there Saturday–I am so excited!!
Wish I could go to the conference..maybe next year. I really would love to meet everyone I talk in person! Btw, Ginger is good for you but Patara is perfect for you. Wouldn't want you any other way. Remember to rest sometimes.
we missed it this year.
please have another one next year!
Would love to come this year, but r not able to. U and everybody have fun!!! So happy for U and your accomplishments!!! Have a good afternoon!!!
I wish I could go to the conference. It sounds amazing! If you guys decide to film it and make DVD's, I'll be the first on the list to buy one.
My sister's best friend lives in Crossville… wish we could have came…
We are bring 6 kiddos with us, should be interesting.
loved that old time cough syrup recipe
So sorry I couldn't come this year! Really hoping to come next year, though! ^_^
thank you so much