March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Garden Pests: Stop Slug Damage To Your Fruit & Vegetables

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Slugs are the gardener’s number one enemy! In this short video we show how to fight back and stop slugs damaging your crops:

– How to identify slugs, slug eggs or slug damage on or near your plant foliage or fruit.

– When and where should you look for slugs so you can remove them from your garden?

– Lay traps and barriers to prevent slugs reaching your plants.

– Encourage wildlife who prey on slugs into your garden.

Want a warning when pests are heading towards your garden? Then get involved with the Big Bug Hunt research project! Report any bugs you’ve seen at:

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5 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Pests: Stop Slug Damage To Your Fruit & Vegetables

  1. When I had a garden in the past I noticed that they loved lettuce but weren't fond of lamb's lettuce. Isn't that interesting? They also don't like dandelion.

  2. Will both toads and frogs eat slugs equally or is one much better then the other ??
    Is there any damage to be aware of that the frogs or toads will do to any parts of the garden ??
    Can I keep the toads and frogs roaming in the greenhouse ??

  3. I use copper tape on toilet paper tubes and make collars out of them snd they work great for me and also keep out cut worms as well . Beer traps work well . I also use Sluggo on occasion. It’s organic certified and works well .

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