March 23, 2025

VIDEO: The "Back to Eden" Method of Permaculture Gardening

In our continuing quest to experiment with a multitude of permaculture techniques, this time we decided to construct a Back to Eden style garden bed… and in doing so, also prevented desertification!

Back to Eden Film:

Our past videos…
Constructing Our Hugelkultur Vegetable Garden :
Planting our Hiugelkultur vegetable garden:
Hugelkultur Vegetable Garden Update and Harvests:
The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture:
Planting Garlic in a Modified Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden:

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: The "Back to Eden" Method of Permaculture Gardening

  1. Thanks so much, love the inspirational video and appreciate your education. I haven't watched your Hugelkultur bed videos yet, but just wanted to know if they address the pros and cons you experienced, why you stopped doing them and why you prefer other permaculture methods? I believe you said you had great success with them. We are creating our first garden and after getting a sense of the different approaches, have evolved from trying to manage pests and rescue dying plants to focusing on what seems like a more important long term foundation of soil building, for next season, with Hugelkultur beds. After watching Fantastic Fungi, my world expanded into a new dimension of understanding fungi, soil, relationships with nature, and working to foster a healthy garden. Thanks again

  2. So I am curious. What do you plant in the wood chip sections? I guess I am curious about tomatoes, green beans, etc. Would traditional, pain in the butt, till and weed all summer not have it’s place for certain crops?

  3. 2:36 No one invented it you idiot. Its part of nature, i discovered this myself also just days ago while looking for soil to fill my pots. And even my girlfriend commented on how good the soil quality was that got me thinking, and i noticed how the wood chips and decomposed wood was turning into soil. And ironicly i just recently stumbled across that documentary. He didnt invent it, he just discovered it like many other people probably have in history (myself included) and spread this knowledge. He didnt invent it, he merely "used" it. I dont like people spreading false info. Today mankind is destroying the planet with their idiotic and unevolved minds.

  4. Mulch doesnt build soil (because mulch can be anything) it is organic matter from plants and trees that build soil. And the source of their energy is the sun, therefore it is the radiation and light of the sun through growing organic matter and returning to the earth that builds soil, through decomposition through water the suns heat and radiation and the elements. Its not a simple as your statment mulch builds soil. Even bugs and insects help to build soil.

  5. I've done a heap of vegie gardening with wood chips – two things. Gaucci mentions this – you NEED to add chicken manure constantly to the top of the wood chips – just sprinkle it over. You also need to add more wood chips – they break down real fast. Also with the cardboard your weeds don't look to bad – in a highly fertile climate gass like cooch will just grow under the cardboard – so you should put down a base layer of pure manure and some blood and bone, then news paper and wet it – this "suffocates" everything – THEN cardboard.

  6. Nature does dig. A LOT. worms, birds, bugs, and mammals all dig. Also nature is retarded. without a proper steward forests kill themselves. The dead and dying "layers" eventually choke out the trees own saplings over time killing themselves out. If you look at the forests in Utah you'll see this plainly. Aspens first grow, but pine forest are older because they choke out the aspens. Eventually you end up with a pine forest with only large pine trees and a forest floor totally comprised of death. If a responsible human doen't remove the dead/dying trees and allow space where sunlight can reach the ground you'll eventually lose the entire forest. This is happening in utah quite severely. Along with pests that are now eating the inner bark of the pines which nearly every pine tree has, the most conservative estimations predict that our pine forests will be totally gone by 2100. 79 years passes fast. The "back to eden" name is dumb, a lot of what it suggests is spot on, but its justification is off. Also gardening in wood chips is a huge pain the ass. sliver city, and slow decomposition without enough potassium which is easily supplemented by burning clean dry wood and putting the ashes in the garden (potassium = pot ash = burn organics in a pot and put that on your garden….doesn't have to be a pot hahah) Layering is something my mother and I both do. I taught it to myself years ago, and now can routinely grow tomatoes that are 9-10 feet tall, with a single plant producing hundreds of tomatoes. (early girl off breed I plant from seeds) anyway my 2c.

  7. I am really interested in trying this but my husband is concerned that it will be a nice cozy place for mice to burrow, live and breed. Any issues with that?

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