First of May garden update!
Shout out to Nina Stephens at Southern Ark Homestead!!
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
Shout out to Nina Stephens at Southern Ark Homestead!!
YaY!! You are rockin that shirt!!! Don't put it in the dryer, please.
Love how you tied it up to fit! Your garden looks so good!
Pinch the top out of that straggly tomato it will encourage it to bush. Your garden looks awesome
wow. i love it, great use of hay mulch, so well maintained. Nice peaches, i keep waitin on mine, ill get jujubes before i get peaches.
Very pretty garden. Using the ground the way God intended.
So much green!! Congrats on the onion. I am also trying for onion. Matter of fact, I just got in from transplanting some of the same (Sweet Spanish Utah). That Red Russian is impressive! Have you guys tried 'Nickel' haricots verts (bush beans?) That my favorite. Al dente and sweet!
wow real nice gardens
The garden is doing great , nice job !
Great garden update Lea!! The plum tree may take another year or two, seems like I've heard someone say they take 4 to 6 years but i guess it could depend on the kind also.
Yep i can tell you all like green beans LOL!! and maters!!
Woah i think you caught the lady bugs as they were finishing!!
Is there a way to store lettuce so it doesn't go to waste?? What kind of okra??
I just planted my sunflower seeds and some corns yesterday, put the sunflower seeds in containers and the corn in the ground..
Hoping they both grow, i planted seeds i saved from last year, and a pack i bought, which only had 6 seeds? I was kinda mad lol
Anyhow i'll hush now!! Have a good'nnn
lovely back to eden garden. that's the way to go
Wow! What an awesome update! I absolutely love everything! You planted a ton of green beans. I'm planting more this year as well. Do you have helpers for harvest time? I'm not sure what type of pear tree you have, but ours is a pineapple pear. We made a big mistake and didn't prune it down, so now it has grown over 25 feet tall. We do plant to prune it down this year. Happy Gardening
You garden is amazing Lea. Great tour. Best wishes Bob.
Thanks for sharing
The trick to getting large onions is planting at the right time and the right varieties for your growing zone. Bulbing is initiated by daylight length. The size of the bulb is dictated by how many leaves the plant has. Each leaf will be a ring in the onion. I plant onions in the middle of february here in oklahoma. I plant short day and intermediate day varieties. Mashing the tops over is an old wives tale to get onions to bulb bigger. It actually stunts them.
Really great tour, Lea. Just amazing. I love fruit trees but as you can tell they do take a while. As the saying goes "Plant plums for your sons, damsons for your grandsons, and pears for your heirs!!"
Great update. I see your still a little shy in front of the camera. lol
Wow what a huge and beautiful garden. I'm growing the tequila sunrise pepper for the first time this year. Is it suppose to be sweet or hot? I've read some different reviews on it. TFS and keep growing, T.
Very comprehensive update! I am glad to see that most things are doing well! Also thanks for the ladybug action!
I liked your comment about how you have to slowly move the camera as to avoid the "Blair Witch" effect. I am working on that one myself! Kudos to you and Al for keeping up such a nicely maintained property! I also avoid being in front of the camera, mostly because I do not want to break it! 
wow its looking really good! were not even close to planting yet !! lol
wow your site is big. well done it looks amazing.
I miss gardening. I used to garden years ago at our old house, the soil was so nice. The house we live in now the soil isn't that great so I don't plant any more. Wow you got fruits and veggies growing! The staples of life right there!
everything is very nice. you folks working at it. is that straw or hay for mulch? thanks for the tour. replanting beans it ever dries up. have a great evening
Heyhey… I have never seen you! Heloooooo
Cngrats to the plum! 2nd year. Big for that. <3 3-5 years to grow plums, no? Loved the apple and cherry trees ;-))) Hava alovely start into the week! And of course, spinach, … always growing like mad :-))) Your kale looks fantastic.