The weather has not cooperated this year. Not really a surprise. The grow room has had disasters and successes. It has only served to convince me that I must concentrate on developing a small greenhouse for propagation purposes.
VIDEO: Grow room disasters and successes
The weather has not cooperated this year. Not really a surprise. The grow room has had disasters and successes. It has only served to convince me that I must concentrate on developing a small greenhouse for propagation purposes.
I think you should just plant some more okra now to start them and put them out in the tomato house. weather… had rain two days now. My temps in the grow room is about 15 to 18c the humidity is high as it in the basement.
thank you for the update ,I use wood heat to heat my grow room so my plants thrive ,they also have good south facing large double windows .
Good luck with your okra. It's one of my favorite plants to grow.
LOL. I know damn well why they didn't mention it on the website – they wanted your money! At least you had some success mate. There's always a silver lining. Glad you seem better by the way.
Sorry to hear of your set back. I found here in Missouri. Even though we have heat in March-May. We drop to cool at times for okra. I have a few emerald green and red started and ready to go out. But the pot belly okra from Texas is high heat. I will start it soon and put out end of May beginning of June. It would not work direct seed here. That is the one you have from Pecan corner.
Wow, snow in April?!! Kinda like over here but its February and March the crazy months, that's why people here say: "Febrero loco, Marzo otro poco" Crazy February, March a li'l more,….April is calm, up until the mid80s, we could expect the first rains beginning May, but as of the mid80s onward, the rains come until June and finish around mid-September, at the moment it is so HOT, you could probably fry an egg on the sidewalk! Sorry to hear about your Okra getting hit by the weather, Okra's hot weather crop isn't it? But I'm happy to say that I want to plant some sweet taters, in January when I put some taters in jars with water, no slips but as soon as the heatwave commenced(in April)they shootin' out and up like crazy, I think its time for the longer slips(5 inches long) to set them out, I want to grow 'em, not just for the taters but they say they make a good stirfry with other veggies, thumbs up Jay, take care mon!