Growing 5-10 times more food in 5-10 times less space has been seen as impossible thanks to traditional spacing. Thanks to High Intensity spacing and gardening we can grow more in less space meaning more food for your family! Give it a try.
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I’ve started doing this and my yields are so much higher in my small space. I had green beans and cherry tomatoes running out my ears last year. This year I’m doing lettuce this way, too!!
Great!! We've been trying to figure out whether or not to thin out our lettuce and greens. THANK YOU!
5-10 times the food in 5-10 times less space – do for a given space. Thats' 2500% to 10000% increase in the crop for a given space!
I have a good bit of acreage, 15. But I still prefer to do my gardening in raised beds. It eliminates all the overhead cost of tractors and implements and it’s easier plus you get more yield per sq ft. It’s also a lot easier to amend and maintain the soil and frees up more space for animals
I have enough space with a big house and big yard, it's just that many of my outdoor soil patches have bad soil, not nutritious, or heavy or littered with rocks and plant roots from the previous owners and weeds . Soil takes forever to clean up, especially since my patches are all very big.
Can I grow cucumbers high insensitivity too? Can I move tendrils around?
Can you grow Brussel sprouts “high intensity?”
i only have teeny tiny balcony and im watching this. i love torturing myself apparently..
You are by far the most informative and educational gardener on YouTube. You give good explanation on the do's and don'ts of gardening and why. This is my third year container gardening and I love it. Keep up the good work.
seems like long term killing the soil, quantity over quality.
You could start in a gutter and lay em in to a trench?
Luke you're awesome! More videos with your cute little angel please, she's a good helper
Wow, this is an excellent video and LOVED hearing the pound difference grown between growing methods!!!
When you make your raised bed, do you dig the grass out underneath the planting soil, or do you put the planting soil right on top of the grass?
This was great to see right now, I've been trying to get lettuce started all in plastic cups to transplant and I'm like "how the heck", this method looks waaayyy easier and more productive. I have thought of this, but I come from my main focus being growing peppers, so I assumed I had to keep a lot of space for root development, nice to know they work themselves out. Thank you!
Does this work for cabbage?
From growing trays of microgreens and doing this you can for example in 10-14 days have 5 pounds of pea shoots or sunflower shoots in a 10 inch x 20 inch tray that you can harvest over and over and over again as long as you provide the nutrients and once the root system is developed it grows faster. the roots end up wrapping around eachother and holding around eachother as a flat sheet of roots. Sure I don't get peas to eat but it taste like peas and it has more nutrients in it in it compared to the adult plant that had to spend that energy and nutrients on growing taller and bigger. The more densely you pack them the quicker you will have to harvest the plants, and the more nutrient dense these small plants will be, basically making them all into a super food. younger plants have between 4-40 times more nutrients (based on the plant type) than the fruit from the adult plant.
some remarks after seeing: can you please use the metric system for your amounts and sizes, your possible reach in watchers is enormously increasing.
and may be more showing of the stages and harvest and less repetition in talking. good idea more harvest in lettuce etc but I think can be explained in shorter time. succes with the rest of the videos.
That production increase is amazing, but the garden isnt self sufficent, your supplying seeds from an external source, that has to grow them to maturity???
Great video!
Yes guys thank you so much for good share
I tried this and I failed. My specimens wee very scraggly and after 3 harvests they bolted. I did so much research, etc…. I'll get over it.
Used this method in my raised bed in my green house planted dandelion and kale excited to see the outcome
This is awesome.
Happy Autumn from The Sunshine State!