March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Minutina (herba stella) – Complete Growing Guide

In this complete growing guide we will be discussing how to grow Minutina otherwise known as herba stella. It is a delicious unique salad green and something we love in salads. it is an easy green to grow so I do encourage you to grow it if you have the space.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Minutina (herba stella) – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Hi guys,
    I just placed my first order from your website. I am so excited to receive the seed :-). Some are for me & some will be gifts. It is my way say Happy Mother's Day Sindy! & thank Luke for all your hard work.
    Have a great one!!.

  2. Question: do you harvest by cutting like chives or just pull up the entire plant? I already bought a packet so I'd like to know how to best harvest it. Thank you.

  3. Does this plant make it's own salt or sucks it up from the soil? Wondering how this impacts the soil health overall especially might make crop rotation a requirement instead of a suggestion. I love naturally salty plants as they remind me of ocean life.

  4. you should get in the habit of when you recommend a video of yours to check out that it pops up at the top and we can click it, just easier for your viewers who are lazy 🙂

  5. do you know the oxalate content? i was really excited about purslane until i found out how incredibly high in oxalates it is. i will still be eating purslane and now thanks to you minutina to go with my dandelion salads. thanks for your wonderful videos.

  6. Thank you for your video, it got me intersted, so I bought some seeds and inserted Herba stella in my first garden ever. It was very successul plant. I started plants indoors just after new year on 3rd january and planted them out in february under tunnel. It grew fast and it was first crop in the beginning of March to be harvested. In summer it produced a tone of flower with seeds. Some I spared and are germinating fantastically, the others I plucked as soon as they appeared which helped the plant not to become so hairy. It gave us leafy greens through whole year. Next winter I put tunnel once again, but since I wanted the plant elsewhere, I put it out. Otherwise it it a perrenial it seems..It deffinitely will be incorporated in our garden always!

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