Even when our path seems so certain ahead of us, it can still fade into the realm of “what might have been”. But by discovering my new favourite tree on our homestead, I’ve also found the inspiration that we need to persevere.
VIDEO: The Perseverance of My Favourite Tree
Even when our path seems so certain ahead of us, it can still fade into the realm of “what might have been”. But by discovering my new favourite tree on our homestead, I’ve also found the inspiration that we need to persevere.
Classic story telling at its best Derek. Like a children's storybook in video.

I knew many years ago that particular side branch was going to be the one that would prevail. Bwahahahaha!!
My favorite video yet! How could 3 people dislike this episode? Keep em coming GGC!
I'll be getting my 4th mobile dwelling, this is my new channel for it. We spoke briefly in the comments long ago from my old channel DJ Vendetta. I know exactly what you are saying in this video. Hopefully this new build will last me some time.
This was a lovely and quite inspirational little video, you were born to tell stories. I've just newly discovered your channel and I love both of you already. My family would think I was crazy but I don't care.x
Good eye! Thanks for sharing and talking about
Thank you, that was beautiful. Have only just subscribed & am now playing catchup. You guys are so down to earth. Love your vids. God Bless you both.
Yall are a blessing and encouragement. Just turned 60 and starting a new and uncertain journey of my own. Thanks for sharing. Thumbs up. ENJOY… THE SIMPLE LIFE
did you know all the aspen trees in that stand are the same plant?
thanks for the inspiration, and hopefully my side projects grow like that stubborn tree.
You have no clue how much this video has helped me. Thank you so much for posting your thoughts and outlooks on life. I love you guys !!
Wonderful ! your story came in from the heart.
Philosopher Farmer! Just recently found you guys and you hit on my current three favorite things so I started watching old stuff. I am obsessed with RV travel, tiny living and permaculture. So yay for all that. Then today, I started you waxing poetic about a bent but not broken tree. I say again, DUUUDE. You velveteen rabbitted the shit out of this. I've survived a lot, traumatic childhood, divorce of my first marriage and just recently a bout with melanoma cancer. (I'm good no worries) Life abides and carries on. Not always, but like the tree, the velveteen rabbit and me, we all become "real." HUGS.
Thank you for the example behind your story. Would love to hear more about the result of your hugelculture beds that you created and what happened to them. All in nature is connected.
you are fantastic Derek!!
Love this video. So so true.

I can totally identify with this tree. I had to worse year of my life. Everything mounted trying to break me. Or so I thought. The final straw was getting laid off. Which was actually the best thing ever. It forced me on a different path and my life has never been better.
Thanks for sharing your favorite tree.
Hands down, this is my favorite video on YouTube, since YouTube has been out. It was much needed tonight, and I thank you for it
those crooked and scarred trees are my favorite. Thanks for such poetic depiction of nature.
The way forward into our collective future , is the way back into the past. But this time , we are better informed on how to live a sustained and healthy life without destroying our planet. Folks like you who bring forth gardening tips like Hugelkulture and Ruth Stout's no-dig gardening , men like Mike Reynolds who mastered naturally occurring phenomena to bring us Earthships …(even in Canada !) and men like Miguel Elliot with his Living Structures, and Geoff Lawton and Paul Wheaton giving us the plans to create food forests and Rocket Mass heaters are just truly Awesome Guides and Signs to us , that the game of Life and Peace for us All on this planet still lives. It is not over. It may really…be just beginning . And this time…without money and a lot of other myths that have been perpetrated against us. I raise my glass to you and your Mrs. and to all of the afore-mentioned honourable Human Beings for your heart felt , inspirational contributions to all of us , who have longed for light in our present darkness. Thank you.
Derek's verbage(sic) and cadence in this episode is eerily reminiscent of Paul Harvey's "Rest of the Story". Well Done.
Storytelling is a bit like Paul Harvey or Mike Stevens from On The Pennsylvania Road. A bit too sappy, this one, but interesting. (tree joke was not intended, but will be kept)
Just found yalls channel and wow. I was telling my son a similiar theme today. Subbed
I am very pleased I found your website, some time ago.
I was amazed by ur artistic view of expressions.luv ya.
Wow…. listening to you is so soothing and especially looking at what you experience on a daily basis is a blessing. Thanks for this creating this content.
My heart sunk when we had to cut down a popular that grew too close to the house. People say it's a weed tree and unsightly but to me, it was a living organism with energy flowing through its existence! God created everything and I respect all that surrounds us! I totally get your message, life is intertwined !!!
I will look back an isten agian to your storys. like today is 4/16/2o2o I`ll remember during the conov-19 virus .I spent more time on YT then every before .and to My Joyous surprize .I found you`ll (southern) I have new friends that inspire and I connect to on many levels. I`m part a wonderlust guy also .and I too got it from My Dad. ( My step-Dad Too)When I see building off grid and travel adventures shows. TLC DISCOVERY Port protection chanels I really miss My Dad it`s like I want to call Him and tell Him what`s on . Our ask Him How did He and His Dad (came from Sweden Brought His Brothers an Sister over He was Considered a Master Builder even did boats) Buildilt or tools or fish or help Family or friends ,Neighbors or Town in East New York on Lake Eria. its in the DNA . Father Gods Richest Blessings for you `ll. Do it Well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qcsWajivnI
I just saw this video come up in my recommended again. Honestly, this is the exact thing I needed to hear right now with all of the craziness going on in the world. Thank you.