March 24, 2025

VIDEO: Making and Applying Worm Tea for the Garden

Making a batch of worm tea to spray on the garden. It is good plant food, and we read it might help with the aphid problem as well. This was the earliest batch we made. We’ve made two more batches since this one. I believe that it has helped with the aphids. Either it helped or the ladybugs have really been busy!! Maybe both, lol!!!

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Making and Applying Worm Tea for the Garden

  1. them are wigglers, good digesters. want some Il. giant night crawlers? some 14in. make alot of castings. I gotta be careful using my liquid brews. 2 T, per gallon of water, before a rain. nutrient applicator sounds better than sprayer. no chemicals here. good video brewed right up. you ever use brown sugar? htgde

  2. them are wigglers, good digesters. want some Il. giant night crawlers? some 14in. make alot of castings. I gotta be careful using my liquid brews. 2 T, per gallon of water, before a rain. nutrient applicator sounds better than sprayer. no chemicals here. good video brewed right up. you ever use brown sugar? htgde

  3. so cool. did you start the worm bed for your school class? also I saw a piano-do you play? and I heard what sounded like chicks… are you planning to add any to your flock? thank you for this video.

  4. I've always noticed a waxy coating on leaves after application, which I believe some call a bio-film. Seems to keep the pests away and is also a great foliar feed. I usually spray leaves and then pour some at the base of the plants, but I don't have nearly the amount of plants you do! Great job, good instructional video

  5. Had I not subscribed to your channel, I would have NEVER have heard of worm tea much less learned how to make it and apply it. As I told you before Lea, I do not garden, but I do follow your channel because you share good quality videos and I always seem to learn something! Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. Do you sell the worms? My uncle was always so into worms and wanted to start a worm business. He used to sell the casting and make the worm tea like 25 years ago when no one was talking about it. Cool thing. I heard it was awesome on a lawn too.

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