In this video, I show a smothering method to manage unwanted weeds and grasses in vegetable garden beds. At the same time, I also explain several other tips and my own thought process/reasoning for doing what I do. Thanks for your support
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I do the same thing works good
If u offer them a bird bath and food and redirect them where you want them to go. They might not eat yor fruit, but go to where you trained them to look for food. Love the parrots. I have a bare eyed too. Mischievous lil fellers
Greetings from a very hot & humid Savannah, GA USA. For the past week, we've experienced most days reaching high up to 100 degrees F, (or 37+ deg. C. for you!). About a week ago, I removed most weeds, runners, etc, from my small back yard. Unfortunately, they've quickly returned. So, I need to clear the yard of vines (creepers), tree roots, and lots of weeds. I'm not sure the tarp method is going to be effective on these runners and roots. Would you have any suggestions to safely remove the vines, and roots, resulting in natural soil beds? Locally, I've been advised to use the herbicide 'Roundup', an option I wish to avoid at all costs. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks for your helpful videos. Sue
Is that the horse poo you got from the stable mark????
Disappointed with the length of the video. Why can't just use the weed preventer sheet instead of going through this lengthy process?
Great video and idea. I’m in Washington , it is too late now to put the tarp. I usually start my veg panning in April. My beds are full of weeds. Thanks for any help
Hi Mark, would love to see a video dedicated to your local birds and wildlife, even the pests!
Any suggestions for getting rid of grass in an active raised bed? I keep pulling and they're coming back full force
Oh my goodness! I would never go inside if I had birds like this to watch all day! I would get nothing done!
Oh man! What did you do to your fingers?
Whew! So glad you’re o.k!
You are most excellent Mark. I'm in Maine, USA which isn't exactly a similar climate, but you have tons of relatable information. I love the earlier videos and the new. Keep on keepin' on please! Two years ago, someone gave me their old composite decking which I have turned into 7 raised bed. A few weeks ago, someone else gave me enough of their old composite decking to make 12 more beds of differing sizes. It's a heap of work, but it'll be worth it. Now to dig them down into the ground. This, all because of you…and well, me too.
I use a different smother method because I have it available…..I take a bail of hay and lay it 8 inches thick twice a year over my whole garden…. 6 weeks before spring planting and after the last plant is gone in fall(For winter). …..In the beginning, the weeds came up a good bit but, as the years passed(And more hay added over the last) I don't have any weeds. People ask me how I get such good soil….well, its just dead grass and the microbes and worms love it. I grow big healthy veggies and I don't have to use fertilizer or anything……Occasionally, I will get a pest but, I just use a non toxic way of killing them. I have a big garden so, tarps would cost me thousands. I needed a cheaper way to smother….the hay costs me 60 dollars a year. I read a book on this method by Ruth Stout- called the Stout Method. It work great. The only advice I have is to be patient because, this method takes time to develop. Its not an overnight magic. The Earth will start to turn the hay into mulch, in time. You need rain to start the process off right…..I'm always smiling when I get a big rain after I've put down my 8 inches of hay……I know it's beginning to break down. LOL I've done this for 10 years!! The only weeds I have to kill is the grass that likes to run into my garden from the edges….I use Dawn, vinegar, Epsom Salt and table salt mixed into one and spray it around the edges of my garden…..about 4 times a year. I'm lazy and use a 4wheeler and a sprayer to get the job done in under 30 minutes. I try to find the easiest method for me to do things. I'm almost 50 years old and have 45 acres to control. You find simpler ways that make your chore list shorter!!! LOL I think the book is available on Amazon- Well, I know it is. I gave a copy to my sister for Christmas last year. She started the method this Spring and she still has some weeds but, the 2nd layer of hay should take care of the tougher weeds still poking thru. By the 4th layer, no weeds or grass will be able to survive but, her veggies will thrive in all the organic matter left behind. I believe any smother method is better than using chemicals and breaking your back. Garden smarter!
You have a beautiful place. Look at those birds!!!
I love the idea , i have 2 lemon plants , each 3 year old and always have grass and weeds around them. I am gonna put tarp
I think I’d be running all over the house like a crazy lady trying to get everyone to come see those beauties! This is a great way to get rid of weeds. I’ve learned a lot from you. Thank you for sharing!
The birds are gorgeous. We don't have anything like them in Michigan!
Thank you for the videos. Lots of references for us to start our garden for life in New Caledonia island. I hate those seeds weeds. Cannot wait for more videos. Cheers
too much talking to get to the point
What you have parrots in your backyard? !
Love your choice of music
I assumed using a tarp could kill off grass, but this proves it.
You stoner need some coke, weeds, blueberry and more chat up I good and trustworthy dealer I got some stuff for called imjoker12 on wickr I really appreciate them.
Would this method work with couch grass too? I have two Birdies beds in my small garden and I’ve been battling grass in them all summer. I don’t know whether to cover them or empty them and attempt to dig all the grass out (what a nightmare) I have a few long lived veggie plants in there that I am worried about moving. What do you think?
How horrible to have beautiful parrots competing with your video !!!!!
Hey Mark, thanks for the info. I've just covered my weed filled vegetable patch…. How long should I leave it on? I'm in Sydney during winter time. Thanks
Hi, Scooter!
Tarps are great btw love the music