March 15, 2025

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: First Green Bean Harvest of the Season and Harvesting Red LaSoda Potatoes

  1. Really great harvest Lea and Al! Everything looked really good, it was making me hungry to watch! I love beans, carrots and potatoes……not so much kale. I like the way the cat photo-bombed the bean weigh in! It is good to see all your hard work pay off!!!

  2. Normally when the potato tops fall over and die down it it time to dig. Leave the dirt on and let the skin dry for extended storage. As you've seen the skin will come off if you wash them at the time you dug them.

  3. Very nice harvest of kale, taters, green beans and carrots!! Those taters are the perfect size for grilling up in a pan!! Cool on the carrots the time i tried them years ago i couldn't even get them that big!! Have a good'nnn

  4. I did get potato's in last month i got to more to plant that I just got. Up here we don't pick them til the plant dies off. I never seen them picked before hand. Well take that back my Ex Mother In Law. one year she picked all the potato's & left the plants . So funny Rest In Peace Ma. Harder… To funny.. What a awesome harvest for the day…. 🙂

  5. always nice when a plan comes together. beautiful and some fine eating. I made creamed carrots yesterday. enjoy thank you stay green and garden on.

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