March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How My NEW Homestead & Organic Gardening SAVED my Family

My Story, How to Homestead & Organic Gardening SAVED My family.. Learn to grow ( build ) soil with me. Homesteading income for beginners is what you make it to be…

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How My NEW Homestead & Organic Gardening SAVED my Family

  1. What a great video! God bless you and your family! So sorry to hear about your wife. I have lost 3 aunts, an uncle and a 32 yr old cousin (with 3 children) to cancer as well. Organic gardening will cut down on cancer and as more people do it the scientific data will absolutely prove it! God Bless again!

  2. Mark, you're not only an inspirational person but a great teacher. So glad you have been gifted to us YouTubers. Just wish it could have happened differently. Your wife sounds like she was an amazing person too. Thank you so much for sharing your story. God bless you and your sons!

  3. okay so you plant the winter rye at the end of fall. let it grow all winter until spring. cut it down with scythe. plant right there using grass as multch. the roots decompose and feed the soil. repeat. do i have this correct?
    this is so much easier and cheaper than sourcing and spreading wood chips or compost thank you I will use these methods in my village.

  4. I would be interested in learning if/how you've changed your farming practices to accommodate an aging body. Your videos are always well considered and thorough. I have to say that I have paid for courses that didn't provide half the info you did in your building soil series. Thank you for your time and effort.

  5. Thank you for sharing so much of you in your story. You didn't need to share your challenges and you did and I helps build a connection with your audience. I like you because of your authenticity. Thanks for these great videos.

  6. Been watching your videos lately and learning a lot about farming but this video taught me a better lesson in trying to be a better man. Thank you from Alabama.

  7. What would you say was your largest hurdle to starting the farm? I have been looking into doing the same thing for years but while I wait to pull the trigger I have been transforming my backyard into an abundant oasis.

  8. you are an inspiration my friend. Keep it up, one day I wish for more self-supporters like you to band together and live happier and simpler lives. great stuff

  9. Mark, Thanks for sharing with us. I can relate a little. Blessed to have my wife for past 41 years. 1982 our 4 year old daughter developed a brain tumor. Doubled in size every 3 days. Duke Med. Center did 2 surgeries, couldn't remove it all. They sent us home to just enjoy her last 2-3 weeks. Surgeon was amazed to see her 3 months after. Radiation therapy we started immediately shrank tumor 50%!!! Henry Friedman, Oncologist at Duke, happened to be 1 of 5 docs in world specializing in this type tumor. 2 years from onset tumor was GONE!, She will always have mental capacity of a 10 year old, but she's our 39 year old BLESSING! Every day she amazes us with something new she's figured out or crafted with her hands. You are an INSPIRATION! You celebrate whatever life brings. We always get a much greater return than the effort we invest.

  10. Mark what an incredible life you’ve had and you are a strong man having to raise two sons on your own. I love growing my own food and the BTE garden method. My adult children thought I was crazy when I had 25 cubic yards of wood chips delivered to my house. I told them that it’s better than dating losers in Las Vegas lol. My garden keeps me busy and I hope I don’t let it fail next month when I go back to college and finish my Masters in Education (special ed).

  11. I have watched so many of your videos Mark I don't know how I missed this one. I enjoyed listening to your story as much as I enjoy listening to your easy going style of gardening. Watching these Home-stead youtube vids, it is so easy to imagine the posters 'living the life of Reily' on their Farms. In sharing your story you have given a human face to an already watchable series. Thanks for sharing Mark, in a matter-of-fact way and not in the often overtly emotional way some people do just to gain subscribers. I'm from the UK but would love to be your neighbour and help out where I could and would enjoy your company no doubt – and if I did some gardening you could be my 'go to guy' the "Oracle of the West" :- ) Sincerely wishing you well Mark.

  12. I’ve respected you for your knowledge of soil building, gardening, etc, but I respect you even more now. Truly, not all heroes wear capes. Thanks for all you do and God bless!

  13. Thank you for your videos. Very informative. I'm sorry for your loss. My wife was hit by a drunk driver and now is in a wheelchair. I take care of her here at home. You give me hope in that even though there is adversity in our lives, if you want to do something bad enough, you can make it happen.

  14. Mark you are never alone your wife is just a thought away,when you think about her she will get your thoughts .She is your wife and you are her husband you are a inseparable family no matter where you are, you will always be together and you will always be looked after…God Bless you and your family.

  15. I just love your attitude. I watched an older home gardener use 18 gallon totes and use mostly the things available in her yard for container gardening.

    I did a few of my plants just using sticks fallen from the trees in my yard. Some cheap garden soil and my kitchen compost scraps. I did add worms from under my garden pots and anywhere else I found them.

    The plants did fantastic! They kept moisture very well. Just fkourished.

    I am with you, Mark. God gives us what we need. I did pick up a 5 gallon bucket of molasses at a co-op very inexpensively on a reduced rack . I may give my plants a lil of that next season

    I am very sorry about the loss of your dear wife. It must have been very hard raising the children. I am sure your special son gives you much joy and his organic diet has surely helped him. The boys are very blessed to have a dad like you.

    God bless you all!

  16. It's amazing what you've accomplished despite your loss and challenges! You've built an amazing farm/homestead and still have the time and energy to raise your sons and create amazing educational content (the BEST) on your channel! I'm so sorry for your loss! God is with you! I agree with a previous commenter as to why your channel doesn't have a million subscribers!! You are so kind! You answer almost all questions and comments! I am so grateful for your time!

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