March 24, 2025

VIDEO: He's Overcoming Heart Failure & Thankfulness!

Weight loss, running a 5K, being a caretaker and another cardiologist appointment for James! What did we find out?
~THANK YOU to those that paid the ultimate sacrifice!
Enjoy & thanks for watching! xo
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Items we use & recommend!
~ Brinsea EcoGlow Brooder:
~ Keeping a Family Cow:
~ Cast Iron Stainless Steel Scrubber:
~ Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens:
~ Lodge Loaf Pan:
~ Livestock Protection Dogs-Selection, Care/Training :
~ Kindling Cracker:
~ Germ Fighter by Plant Therapy:
~ Joel Salatin Book-Folks, This Ain’t Normal:
~ Sloggers Chicken Boots:
~ Vetericyn Wound Care Spray:
~ Mortar & Pestle:
~ Magicfly Incubator:
~ Magicfly Egg Candler:
~Nutri-Start Hand Feeding Formula:
~Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray:
~PROBIOS Powder:

Patara’s Social Media:

~The Great Appalachian Homesteading Conference
Facebook Page:

~ Appalachia’s Homestead Official T-Shirts:

Snail Mail:
Appalachia’s Homestead with Patara
PO Box 287
Spring City, Tn. 37381

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: He's Overcoming Heart Failure & Thankfulness!

  1. YAY! Great news for sure! Yell your hubby congratulations on his journey to health. I am trying to get healthier and it is hard. My favorite drink is water and I drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day. My problem is also sweets, cake and cookies. I do understand his struggle with that.
    Patara, you are an awesome lady and a wonderful care giver to all whether it is your family or your animal family.

  2. Wonderful news for you and your family. As a single mom who has had weight loss surgery, heart surgery and knee surgery in the last 3 years, I understand the journey it is for your health to eat right and exercise. It's not easy and I still struggle with getting my health and strength back. I'm just so happy to see your beautiful family is working together and such awesome news for your husband.

  3. So happy for you and James! You have committed to such a healthier approach. Thank our Lord he watched over James and you as you held the homestead together… I love you both … your family inspires us… Continued sweet blessings to all on the Appalachia's Homestead !!!

  4. Congratulations on the great report! I've been off sugar and grains and have never felt better. If your husband hits a plateau, have him look into cutting back on grains. It's hard but worth it.

  5. After I quit soda I really missed the bubbles, so I bought a SodaStream. It makes carbonated water and you add the flavorings. So you control the amount of sugar. I either drink plain carbonated water or I add frozen juice concentrate. I've found a grape concentrate with no added sugar or preservatives. I've even carbonated lemonade. Glad James is doing well xoxo

  6. If he like the fizz of sofa but wants healthy try kombutcha it will change his life there are hundreds of you tube pages on how to make it you can flavour it lots of ways my daughter makes ginger and lime juice which I love vtoo

  7. Thank you for sharing your story about your husband! Gives me some hope for sure! God bless ya'll! From Texas..always loved Tennessee God's country for sure!!

  8. It's a Small world! My daddy lived in etowah for a few years before he passed away and we used to eat at the farmhouse all the time. Matter of fact, when he passed away, they sent a lot of food for the family so that we could feed everybody. Love those folks!

  9. Late again to watching and catching up with the past videos. What a precious picture of you and your husband. It looks like you both did well finding great spouses!!

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