September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of May

This video shows all our grocery purchases for the month of May. Our goal for the year was to spend an average of $100.00 per month. This month we spent $31.35. We have spent $542.86 this year bringing our average per month to $108.57. Another good month and we’ll have our average where we want it!!

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Groceries for the Month of May

  1. Ok Lea, what are you doing with all that sugar????? I am also surprised to see you buying potatoes, I thought you had a bunch in the garden….maybe they are not ready yet? I would be ashamed to tell you how much we spend at the store on a weekly basis. What do you do with the savings? Straight in to the retirement plan??? Sorry to be so nosey!

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