July 1, 2024

VIDEO: How Your Watering Methods Affect Soil & Plant health

When you water your garden there are many different methods and many different ways to get the water to the roots however many people fail to remember that their soil needs oxygen because it is alive with trillions of bacteria, fungi, and plant roots. How you water can greatly determine how much oxygen is given to the soil life.
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Your Watering Methods Affect Soil & Plant health

  1. Before you go full Bill Nye on me, please note: I am aware that water is H2O and not HO2, this was a mistake and it is a free YouTube video, not a college lecture that you paid $500 to sit at. Please have mercy on my imperfect chemistry presentation. When it is 91 and I have been outside all day, my brain doesn't work as well as it should.

  2. I have no ability to use a hose at my apartment, so no way to use pressurized water… What if I saved up and bought one of those pressurizable tanks that people use to spray chemicals? Would that work, do you think?

    Obviously, I talking about buying it new, never used for the chemicals yet. Lost my nonessential job, so don't have the money immediately, but I do have the ability to plan ahead and save a bit here/there to get what I want eventually.

  3. Put a chair in the garden, pour a glass of wine, sit back and RELAX while watering your garden. Satisfying for both your garden and yourself, lol. They say you should talk to your plants, so depending on how much wine……LOL

  4. It's worth mentioning that city water contains chlorine that kills beneficial flora in the soil. I'm growing a garden in Cleveland summer 2020, watering on the shower setting with city water. The last month has had just two good rains. Had to Cayenne pepper after watering every couple nights to deter two racoons that live in the abandon house next door (yay democrats). It's worked so far

  5. Isn't it true that it can be counterproductive to spray the flowers of fruiting plants? I was told if I spray for example my chile peppers flowers it can neutralize the pollen and cause them to not produce.

  6. Now Im confused.
    It seems that just hooking your hose up to a sprinkler would be a better way to water your garden than the drip systems you and everyone else are now promoting. A typical sprinkler would mimic the rain better than anything I can think of.

  7. Ok, I tried this one too. I love the science, but I need a cut to the chase video for my dad to explain to him why deep watering is better than daily sprinkling!!!

  8. Hopefully critics comments are not mean spirited. The Canadian lady who has a great channel uses the term un thaw when she means thaw. My wife does same thing. All good

  9. I don't like water from the city or wells, But when no rain water gather in my rain barrels (210 gallon plus about 25 gather from the barrels . Truly rarely I use my hose but washing my cars.

  10. I always apprec your advice. Question .. I was at a garden lecture once and he said when it rains its the nitrogen molecules that help boost up the plant(.why plants look and boost growth after a rain)He didnt mention oxygen. Perhaps u r both right but neither of u mentioned the other. Im just curious if u have ever heard that.

  11. I use this thing called a thumb and it's super cool, you guys should check it out. You just put it over your hose and you can control how misty you want your water to be…

  12. Great video, but now I’m confused because I thought watering like that creates an environment for diseases and fungi? I thought we need to be watering at the soil level. Benefits don’t outweigh the risks?

  13. Trying to figure out why my carrots and dill didn't grow this year. My carrots only grew to about an inch and stopped growing. I planted dill seeds 3 times and it started to grow and stopped too. I did regular watering and put in sheep manure before planting. I watered with a sprinkler

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