We are talking containers today! In this episode we are discussing why containers might be better than in-ground gardening when it comes to a few different issues. We will also look at the mint plant and see how it is growing in the Grobucket setup.
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Hi Luke. Unrelated to mint but relevant to containers. Container gardening is a new hobby for me and I just love it. I have everything on our small back deck so I don't have to do stairs. (And our back yard has a huge slope with a walnut tree at the bottom.) I started this spring with some tomatoes and some cucumbers that I started from seeds. But you have inspired me to add about 20 other types of veggies. I have 3 bush cucumber plants in an 18 inch bucket that one plant has 2 cucumbers almost ready to harvest and a few others growing. 2 of the plants seem to be a majority of male flowers with only one or two females on each plant. The other plant seems to be mostly female. My first question is why do some of the female flowers not not grow and just shrivel up? I hand pollinate each one with a small paint brush. I would love to have bushels of cucumbers, but I fear I may only get a dozen or two out of the 3 plants. I haven't been able to figure out what's different. But I'm in KY and the temps have been mild this year. Only a couple of hot days so far. Last night it got down to 47. My second question is that all of the vines have gotten almost to the top of the trellis. What do you do with them once they get too tall? I'd hate to have to trim them because I don't want to miss any fruit. So should I just let them start to hang down over the sides?
members of the mint family are also good in hanging baskets too
I grow a bunch of mint at my parents house. I grow them both in a 3 square meter bed and in containers. In the bed I grow only peppermint and it is possible to harvest several times each summer. Some other varieties like chocolate mint, "Arabic mint", and "Moroccan mint" are grown in containers. For soil I have well matured horse poop, it grows like crazy
Ooh, that's such a cool idea…next allotment project; grow buckets for my mint! Thank you!
I make mint simple syrup to make mojotos, lemonade etc etc. great video
I like to burry the whole bucket in the garden.
it's nice to see someone love mint like i do.
I grow potatoes in buckets so when they are done I just dump the bucket and pick up the potatoes
Fertilizer conundrum! I bought some Mandevilla vines last year and they were beautiful with lots of blooms all summer long and I did nothing but water them, so this year I bought mandevilla vines again but I bought smaller ones and placed them in hanging coco baskets on my front porch but they have hardly any blooms. Im thinking i need to fertilize them. I have bulk bone meal, potash and urea. My question is everywhere says that I need use a 20-20-20 mix fertilizer for mandevilla's and Im not smart enough to understand how you get to a 20-20-20 mix. Any help in the fertilizer realm would be greatly appreciated.
I wish I had put my Russian Sage in nice planters instead of the ground. They are popping up everywhere in my garden and even finding them in the backyard where I didn't even plant them.
Hi Luke, another great video. I love your upbeat vibe and helpfulness. I have a small balcony garden and I was wondering if you could do a video on what edibles can be grown in the same pot? I want to maximize my growing space.
completely unrelated, but, you are beautiful:) I've been binge watching your videos and loving it. I feel uncomfortable if I watch an old dude with boring vibe. I just love your enthusiasm! haha keep it up!
mint grows like crazy a pot is a must have… I'm thinking about growing chocolate mint sounds good
i got cinniamon basil growing
mint almost took over my front yard. smelled wonderful, but does not make good grass
how do you think mint will do planted in the cement/concrete containers?
any one in the chicago land area that needs buckets go to your local Jewel food store backery dept. Ask the ladys if they have some empty ones for you. they just send them back to be recycled. Go Cubs !
"Mint Bucket Farm" I like that idea
stunning update thank you for sharing have a blessed day
I clicked the link in your remarks on Published on June 8, 2017. This takes us to a sponsor page. I do not want to sponsor, I just want to purchase some of the inserts, can't see how to do that. I tried to email Brian but got no response. Any ideas on how I can buy some of the inserts from him?
Can you please explain what fruit trees could be grown in container? I mean for example peach, apricot, cherry, etc. Thanks
HI! I live in Maine (cold, long winters), and I am wondering what you do with perennial herbs, like mint or chives, that you put into containers, in the winter. Can they be left outside all winter? Can they only be left outside all winter in warmer climates? The winters here can be pretty harsh. Thanks!
violas are also called johnny jump ups they jump up every where
Anybody know when I should start pumpkins indoors for fall? I live in Ohio
I have a basil plant that isn't doing so well. it's being eaten by insects. any suggestions on how I can have a healthy basil plant? I also grew mint in the same potting container and they're being eaten too.
Luke, you are wrong. Mint does not take over the garden . . . only. . . it also takes over the world.
What I did was put a piece of hard plastic into the ground and separated the mint so they couldn't creep underneath and spread like they do. First year I've tried this. Hopefully they won't burrow under it lol. It's down about 8 inches.
My spearmint has taken off, growing fast and healthy. But my peppermint and orange mint seem slow to grow. All in same size pots, same soil, same water and light. Any suggestions on how to jump start my peppermint and orange mint growth?
Have you ever had problems with mosquitoes or other types of bugs crawling into the drilled hole (whether it be mosquito breeding or bugs getting trapped)?
You talk way too much and say very little of any value, more like a cartoon