March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Build a Cat Run & Enclosure – What Materials We Used For DIY

This video details how to build a cat run and enclosure including a pet door and what materials we used, and why it’s a good thing to do for your pet cat. In the end, we decided on a galvanised steel powder coated product and we couldn’t be happier with the results! Plus our Russian Blue cat is the happiest he has ever been 🙂

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Build a Cat Run & Enclosure – What Materials We Used For DIY

  1. That's cool. It has inspired me to work on play areas for my 2 cats. I'm lucky that I live in a small town in a cat neighborhood. within a few houses either way, there are 10+ cats that run inside and out. It's fun to watch their different personalities.

  2. Hi, I, Like your Cat run you make it so cool i, never see befor cat have fun i, can see nice place for outside for savfty sicure

  3. Wonderful! I am trying to enclose an area that I want to use as a patio for us an a safe area for my elderly cats and a younger half feral who adopted me when I was working in my garden at the beginning of lockdown. We have wild animals, snakes and a very aggressive tom who adopted my neighbour. My possum and babies have been poisoned this week so I have to start on the enclosure really soon. Your video is helpful and it is so nice to know that you care for your domestic animals too. Love your videos and I have learned so much about container beds. Thank you so much! Love from a Limey/ Pom living in Texas.

  4. Oh my gosh I'm so glad I found your video. Like you I have a rescue Russian Blue and he loves watching wildlife from his cat tree in the sunroom but a walkway like yours will put him outside in the middle of all the outdoor adventures safely. Thank you for the video!!!!

  5. Cats need sun and they love sun. They love laying in the sun sitting in the sun and all of that. I like this design but I thought more of it should have been in the Sun. Also, the only sun spot he can lay in, you put a litter box there. It's going to start stinking as it gets hot. And in order for the cat to lay in the only son you gave him, he has to smell the smells of a hot litter box. I like the fact that he can run around up there and that he can climb up the sides! Very cool.

  6. Hi Mark!
    Beautifully done, I especially liked your tips on putting it together solo! Living in subtropical Qld, have you had any issues with snakes getting near or into your cat run?

  7. SUPER! I’m a subscriber and have loved watching your videos since I first found your channel. I’m researching dog barriers — ones with gates that 1) won’t trip us (I’m on a cane now), and 2) one which is inexpensive and easy to assemble or build. I saw a how-to video for cat runs and thought, why not? Now, wasn’t I surprised when I saw your smiling face. How did I miss this video; it’s 3 years old! I’d wanted to put up cat runs in the house, and this video has reignited my desire. That, and the facts that 1) 5# Charlie is a thug and beats up our 135# Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, and 2) 5# Taco is a weenie and hides from all our dogs. He basically lives upstairs and since I can’t do stairs well these days, I rarely see him. At any rate, fabulous video, as usual. Throw us more of your non-gardening stuff because you always have really smart work-arounds. Thanks from Aberdeen, on Grays Harbor in Washington, U.S.A.

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