March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Progress, bad potting mix, Cherry harvest and pruning

A little on the progress this year. A bad potting mix has set me back. Will be re-potting some things with my original mixture of compost and manure. Also a bit on a cherry harvest and tree pruning.

2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Progress, bad potting mix, Cherry harvest and pruning

  1. Sorry to hear about your soil mix. I think the fungus on the cherry is silver leaf you get that on plumbs and they are the same family. your sun chokes look well 😉 I have one cherry on my tree lol but it did have lots of small ones on before that cold spell.
    I am trying to train the new trees as I dont like pruning high trees. Like you said a lot of work to pick them. Hope I get more than one cherry next year 😉

  2. Looking GREAT! The Sunchokes, the romaine and butternut lettuce, and that Cherry tree is loaded! Wow,….since you use them for jams and jellies they're the sour cherry type right? Thumbs up Jay, and yes, considering the height of your cherry tree and the fact that the cherries are small and scattered all over the tree, plenty of hard work involved but… the end your family and you reap the reward, homemade cherry preserves!

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