March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Beetroot: succeed with early sowings & harvest, same method for autumn/winter roots

Zone 8/8, see how beetroot can mature in half a season: sow seeds undercover a month before the first growing weather, then 4-6 weeks later cover plants in an outdoor bed with fleece/row cover for early harvests. Sow again in early summer to plant after clearing spring veg. Tips on preparing roots and leaves to eat.More info in my books Filmed and edited by my son Edward Dowding February to May 2017, all at Homeaces, Somerset, UK
Finalist at The Gardening Oscars, London November 2017 in category “TV Broadcast of the Year”.
See beetroot growing as one of many vegetables in this video about succeeding with early plantings and watch for the second video of this series, appearing in December 2017.

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Beetroot: succeed with early sowings & harvest, same method for autumn/winter roots

  1. Audio is always nice and clear. Nice clean presentation. No stupid long intros that are mysterically double the volume. Straight to the point. Very well put together. You say Edward edits them? He does a very good job!

  2. OK Charles I will fly you over & get you to grow my beetroot- I totally fail every time. No matter what I watch & research- NO GO !! very disappointing for me. Cheers Denise- Australia

  3. Looks nice. My beetroots failed misearbly lsst year. Only became small tubers. Early sowing like these seesm to me to be perfect for planting other crops after harvesting i may.

  4. Charles, can I know if by “thinning out” the seedlings means I can transplant the thinned out seedlings to grow more beets in a separate bed/soil? I can’t bear to chuck out or discard the thinned out seedlings as it seems like a great waste…..also I want to maximise yield.

  5. Russians love beetroots ,I found it when I was there long time ago .they eat
    In salads ,soup and many things ,some of them eat everyday
    It is extremely healthy vegetable but Russians destroys the benefits of it with mayenase sauce or cheese.

  6. Very slow growing in zone 5b.

    Though it tolerates cool weather, it will grow very slowly in cool temperatures.
    My experience this can take 90-120 days to mature to acceptable size, if strted in early spring.

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