March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Hands On Tools & Equipment with Joel DuFour Part 1

Joel DuFour of Earth Tools joins us for a field day featuring his favorite tools, walk behind tractors and equipment for market gardeners and small farmers. Explore the history and craftsmanship built into a variety of different fine hand tools. Gain insight on innovative ways to utilize walk-behind tractors with their many implements. Find out where to get your equipment, best use, maintenance, and potential modifications.

15 thoughts on “VIDEO: Hands On Tools & Equipment with Joel DuFour Part 1

  1. You refreshed some things from my childhood. Even more enlightening were the pieces of information I did not know. I found this presentation very informative and interesting on many levels. Thank you. <><

  2. Joel is a great source of knowledge on this subject and I've learned a lot from him. I've also bought quite a lot of tools from him. He sells the good stuff! NO junk!

  3. Some great stuff here. I do though have to disagree about the scoop shovel and wood chips. The absolute best tool is a 10 tine fork. Pierces a pile so easily and works wonders on wood chips but also manure, compost, biochar

  4. It's a shame brands weren't mentioned for all the tools. It's hard finding good robust tools in the UK with 25mm (1in) dia handles long enough for tall people. Even the Dutch tools aren't long enough and they are the tallest nation in the world. 20mm handles are too wobbly particularly on clay and heavy soils.

  5. is there any possible way that, i could purchase all of that farming tools to set up a small stores in farming in my place here in Philippines.? i need this tools..

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