March 17, 2025

VIDEO: How to Grow Hibiscus from Cuttings

Propagating hibiscus, whether tropical hibiscus or hardy hibiscus, can be done in the home garden and both varieties of hibiscus are propagated in the same way. Hardy hibiscus is easier to propagate than the tropical hibiscus, but never fear; with a little bit of knowledge about how to propagate hibiscus, you can be successful at growing either kind.
Daizz’s tips:-
The hibiscus cutting should be 4 to 6 inches long. Remove everything but the top set of leaves. Trim the bottom of the hibiscus cutting to be cut just below the bottom leaf node (bump where the leaf was growing). Dip the bottom of the hibiscus cutting in rooting hormone.The next step for propagating hibiscus from cuttings is to place the hibiscus cutting in well draining soil. Make sure the rooting soil is thoroughly wet, then stick a finger into the rooting soil. Place the hibiscus cutting into the hole and back fill it around the hibiscus cutting.Place the hibiscus cutting in partial shade. Make sure the rooting soil stays damp (not wet) until the hibiscus cuttings are rooted. The cuttings should be rooted in about 4-6 weeks. Once they are rooted, you can re pot them in a bigger pot.
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Hibiscus from Cuttings

  1. Hii sir ..pls ls reply fast –mene bahut sari hibiscus ki mature cutting la di hai..ab
    Q1- can I propagate them in the evening?( as brought them in morning 12)
    Q2- I am leaving in Gujarat and the problem is that it once rained heavily two weeks ago and since that time no rain is there but still whether is fully cloudy so can I propagate cuttings?

  2. Hello, I grew mine like you showed in one of your videos in a cup with soil and water and leaves grew. Then I moved it to a pot with soil and they started dying. I moved them back to a cup with water and soil. Maybe I gave them too much water? How do I know when to transfer to a pot with soil? Roots didn't come out from the bottom yet, maybe that's why i shouldn't have moved it to a pot yet? Thank you!

  3. Thank you so much for providing such simple instructions on how to propagate hibiscus! It's too late in the season here to do them but next summer I will definitely be propagating some from the one I have. Thanks again!!! 😀

  4. I grew up in South Florida and now live in CT. My experience in FL gave me an understanding of how easy it is to propagate Tropical Hibiscus from cuttings and a number of other plants as well. Then my hibiscus got blown over in a spring storm and a branch broke off. So I did what dad did – got a pot, filled it with potting soil, clipped some of the length off the broken end of the branch (leaving leaves of course) and stuck it into the soil, watered it, and covered it all with a gallon wide mouthed jar. I put this little greenhouse in the sun, and walked away for about a 6 weeks. Well, now its 4 years later and mom and child are still blooming well, and the child needs its first haircut. nb: You can do this anytime of the year but not outdoors if its autumn or winter (grow lights work well), cuttings should be taken in early spring before buds form for the tropical variety, and don't pull the jar off the plant to check if its got enough water. It recycles.

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