“I measure short-term success by how much I have improved at what I am doing to make my world a better place. However, I see long-term success as being measured by what others have accomplished because of what I have done.”
—Jules Dervaes
The Life & Legacy of Jules Dervaes Jr (1947-2016)
Slideshow by Lynda Bruton
Very sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. He lead an adventurous life with one goal which was to teach self sufficiency. He and your family showed that could even be done in the backyard of a big city. I know there's a big hole left in your family structure and my prayers are that your Dad with live on in the three of you. Be strong in your faith and God will guide and direct you as you continue to travel on with the dream that your Dad has instilled in you.
why did this guy have to die so early? Sometimes the universe feels unfair…
He had a great life, RIP!
My condolences and gratitude because your father made such a difference in my early life as a mother.
Blessings & prosperity.
Thanks for putting this up so everyone can celebrate a wonderful mans life
Rip mr
My inspiration to. My inspiration to grow my own vegetables. Sorry for your loss
im so sorry for your loss Dervaes Family. He inspired me to continue to improve my suburban lot and I was amazed at what he did with his 1/10 acre. May his soul rest in peace. God Bless your family
I just found out today about Mr Jules Dervaes Jr. I am sorry for your loss. He accomplished what most men dream they could ever accomplish for their families. I have always admired Mr Jules Dervaes Jr and I know that his family loves him very much.
Qué Dios lo tenga en su gloria. Son tan afortunados de haber tenido como padre a un hombre tan sabio. Gracias por su modo de ver la vida.
I loved that guy and his nice family the first time I saw his video about the food garden in his front and back yard and heard his philosophy I wrote down his name and saved video so I wouldn't forget and to watch more videos later what a guy !! He was fantastic anyone from any walk of life would like him right away . Thank you for your words and sharing your views and teaching us.
I just came across this video while showing someone one of your older videos (for the umpteenth time) and still am in shock. I am sorry for your loss, Dervaes family. Jules was the inspiration for me getting out of my cubbyhole flat in a big city for a backyard where I grow some of my food. God bless his soul and I hope that you will continue his wonderful legacy and inspire many more people.
He is dead?Sad
I am so deeply saddened to learn of Jules death. Seeing this video was an amazing journey through his life, a man who has always amazed me. My deep condolences to his manly son and his extremely beautiful daughters who have always captured my attention. Jules impacted my life just in his presence on youtube. It was common to hear people discussing him at work or at neighborhood parties. I don't think he ever wanted to be famous but his drive and his direction made many of us followers. I hope to see Jules in heaven and thank him for his life and his impact. I am so glad the family continues the passion and I hope to cross paths with you some day. Dave
I don't understand, at 6.29 the late Jules is with his four kids in front of a rock then there are only the three Dervaes with their dad. Where is the other son? How about mom? Is she still alive?
He's been an enormous inspiration to me. He showed the world the path to freedom. It's difficult to fully appreciate how much of a hero he really was.
wondering what happenned to his wife.
What an inspiration! Brakes my heart he is gone, EPD. but legacy is not gone, here I am looking at your legacy and trying to replicate yours here where I am. My heart is with you!
Awesome tribute to an great man! Thanks for sharing!
This man changed my life with a single video. Never forgotton.
He always seems like a real precious person.. their life encouraged me back in 1999
I can't remember how I even heard of this man and his family.( Could have been a Monsanto suit)..
I 6m. You are 6hj7iìuuj***h,,m??n.
I am really impressed by this family
He is a big loss for all of us.
In his voice….he sounds stressed. Stress and worry kills.
What is the youngest daughter up to?
What happened to him? And his wife?