September 28, 2024

VIDEO: From Garden to Table: Quick and Easy Broccoli Rabe

Broccoli Rabe is easy to grow, quick to prepare, and absolutely delicious! This is our first harvest of the year, and so we chose a simple recipe that would allow us to taste the natural flavour. Slightly bitter, a little bit earthy, and 100% natural.

– Fresh Broccoli Rabe (1 – 2 bunches)
– Fresh Lemon Juice (from half a lemon, optional)
– Water (1 – 2 table spoons)
– Garlic (1 – 2 cloves, to taste)

1. Coarsely chop the Broccoli Rabe
2. Heat water in a large frying pan, over medium heat
3. Chop garlic, and add to water
4. Add Broccoli Rabe
5. Cover and cook until slightly tender
6. Add lemon juice and stir
7. Serve while hot

Makes 2 small sides or 1 small meal

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: From Garden to Table: Quick and Easy Broccoli Rabe

  1. Did you no somebody stole the toe. It was on Fox news today. I made three hugelkulture mounds like yours and it all went well until the end. I put the straw on top and called it a day. I woke up bright and early to start planting instead I raked straw for six hours. During the night we had some awful winds. I live in a small town where there are no fences what a great way to meet your neighbors. Great videos.

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