March 25, 2025

12 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to INCREASE Your Homesteading Income from Planting and Harvesting Garlic. Part 1

  1. Its my first year growing garlic sow them in October, on 1st of August I am moving so hopefully by then the crop or some 12 of these bulbs will be ready it's a Canadian organic hard neck garlic and I'm hoping I'll take some plants with me and leave a few for the tenants.

  2. Great points Mark. We just harvested. I been considering planting a lot more next year and you have solidified my thoughts! We grew them with wood chip mulch and no other amendments. Most were a bit smaller than desired accept a swath about 10 feet downhill from a couple yard horse manure pile. Another confirmation that alliums love fertility. I can't wait to harvest next years crop, lol 🙂

  3. Hi Mark, Thanks for all your wonderful videos and information. Do you remember which variety of golden raspberry you show at the end of this video? It looks like Anne from Johnny's, I know you get a lot of your seeds from them.

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