March 25, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Ginger in One Container or Garden Bed

If you would like to know how to grow a big harvest of ginger watch this video for my five top tips on ginger growing!

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Ginger in One Container or Garden Bed

  1. Hello there, thanks for your tip, my best way to eat Ginger is make a paste, mix it with Garlic, olive oil, salt etc and use it as a marinate for Lamb BBQ-if its done right… there is nothing as tastier then this BBQ also Ginger tea is one other delicacy

  2. You explained simply and so well .
    Love it.

    We peal ginger then we wash .
    After that we grate or
    Chopped and add in to tea.

    It gives such a refreshing feeling to have ginger in our daily tea and also we use in our cooking specially ginger garlic when we cook meat.

    But my favourite is when added to plain tea.

  3. Hi thanks for your excellent tips. I have a question- can it grow in northern hemisphere where summers are relatively short. For example, Maryland united states? And how much time does it takes to grow and create new roots. Thanks

  4. I re-watched this video after growing a bit of store-bought ginger root for about a year and a half, in a container. After the first die-back of the foliage I thought it was dead. The leaves never got really big and were always sickly. I repotted it several months ago and have since enjoyed beautiful, lush foliage, and I keep seeing new shoots coming up. I think I will harvest some soon! Thank you for educating us on sub-tropical gardening, it has been wonderful to learn.

  5. Q: tell us about giving flowers n what to do with them. I do grow finger 4 the first time, in the pot, on the sunny kitchen sill, like in orangery, as I do live in cold country. One stem gave sort of flower, it is very dried out.

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